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Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Golden Light Meditation

This simple and effective meditation was found @ wuwei.org...I see meditation as a way to take a "time out" or simply to reset my self, because life nowadays can seem hectic (only if you let it, we manifest everything that happens, every little flatchulant of comic energy that flows through us) but by simple sitting and breathing and training on clearing the mind of electromagnetic thoughts can be a huge help. Some things I like to do to get back to centre are : sit, smile, breathe and say little prayers for anything and everything, projecting love even as far as across the universe to, lets say, the Sun (for keeping us warm and helping all living things to grow); do a headstand and observe the world from a totally different perspective...I enjoy watching ocean waves crash on the shore as the birds swoop underneath, a strange anti-gravity perception; riding my bicycle at any pace, sometimes as fast as zen legs can carry me, sometimes just rolling along with no pedal, using the energy that is in gravity; going outside to breathe some fresh air or feel the sun rays if I have been indoors too long; writing a postcard with love-filled thoughts and sending it off (I am a firm believer in long distance energy sending spreading more effectively than short distance sends, sort of like a lawn sprinkler vs. a fixed faucet; if I am fortunate enough to be surfing I will stop to float and observe the pelicans swooping the waves (how grace-full!), or if dolphins come by I will always stop to pay my respects and holler little love filled messages to them under water (I know they can hear me and feel me)...in return they usually swim closer to me or will even put on an aerial show, blasting two at a time out the face of a wave (and man thought he could surf)...also in the ocean, while I am paddling out, and I have it timed right, I will always always always smile and observe the light that shines through the crest of the wave overhead right before I push myself through it (by far one of my favorite sense experiences in this sensual life); there are many other things, they all relate to happiness - cooking healthy, getting lost in a book, complementing a stranger with actual pure complement-intentions.
Happiness is what is the centre...dow what makes you happy to achieve balance...LESS STRESS LESS MESS...NO STRESS OH YESSSSSSSS!!!!!!!
Here is the Golden Light Meditation:

Inhale consciously and viualize the breath going down from the nostrils to the dantien.
Exhale and watch the breath rise from the
dantien and go out through the nostrils.
Repeat this eleven times.

Inhale consciously and viualize the breath going down from the nostrils to the dantien.
The breath is spreading qi throughout the body.
Your head, chest, abdomen, arms and legs are all filled with this
As you exhale, imagine all impurities
- anger, hate, jealousy, ego, lust, attachment -
are departing from every pore of your body.
Repeat this eleven times.

Now as the breath goes down to the dantien, a feeling of bliss spreads all over your body.
In your head, in your heart, in your abdomen, in your limbs, all is bliss.
As you exhale, you feel the bliss spreading all around you.
Repeat this eleven times.

Visualize a line of light running from huiyin to yintang.
It is the thickness of a hair and very bright.
Gradually ir grows in diameter.
Now it is as thick as your little finger and growing more luminous.
Now it is as thick as your middle finger and still more luminous.
Now it is as thick as your thumb, still growing more luminous.
Now a column of light is standing inside of you, from
huiyin to yintang.
It is spreading all around you.
Now you are in the middle of a light shaped like an egg.
Concentrate on the egg-shaped light surrounding you for fifteen minutes.

Now the egg-shape is changing back into a column of light.
Now the light is as thin as your thumb.
Now the light is as thin as your middle finger.
Now the light is as thin as your little finger.
Now the line of light is like a hair connecting
huiyin to yintang.
The light from the
huiyin to the yintang blending together,
then decending down to the dan-tien
and going through both legs
and down to the
At this point two suns appear appear at
laogong, two moons in the yongquan.
Then both suns disperse through the finges, both moons through the toes.

Qi - Vital energy of the body.

Huiyin - the center at the perineum, also location of the muladhara chakra.

Dantien - the center just below the navel, also location of the manipura chakra

Yintang - the center between the eyebrows, also location of the ajna chakra. Actually the center is further back into the head. Yintang is the closest point on the surface to that center.

Yongquan - the centers at the bottom of the feet, located on the centerline just behined the ball of the foot, also know as the bubbling well.

Laogong - the centers in the palms of the hands, located on the transverse crease between the index and middle finger carpal bones.

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