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Friday, March 25, 2011

Let the beauty we love be what we do...

The energy where I am is flowing really well these days. Wednesday was Waynesday so I went to help out at Wayne's farm just down the road. Most of the day was spent planting 150 or so cucumber seeds inside the circle of pea starts that got a head start on the cukes. Bamboo cone trellises were already in place and will serve as a guide on the plants' quest to reach great heights. I got some quality sunburn on my back from going shirtless for apparently too long but it was a good way to welcome spring and the impending sunbake that I will receive in coming months. Wayne is just pure Texan love and his farm shows it. He is a 5th generation farmer, diagnosed with melanoma on his forearms at age 29 due to pesticide exposure in the fields. This lit a fire under his ass to switch to organic production, as well as a healthier organic diet and he completely beat the cancer and is now smiling away into his 40s. Wayne is a large man with a huge heart and to hear him laugh as he walks along telling you what is planted here and there and how excited he is about this and that while his motley looking pack of 8 dogs follow him around, panting like hot Texas sundogs. Wayne is as integral to his farm as the water the plants drink, he is part of the beautiful cycle of man cultivating land cultivating love cultivating eternal youth. A real inspiration and a wealth of knowledge: veggies galore, asparagus that is sweet and juicy, the largest organic hay production in Texas, drying and preserving produce for tasty treats down the road, how to live with minimal stress and stay positive and upbeat getting things done constantly. I am excited to go stay at Wayne's next week for a few days as there is much to be done dirt and brain picking. Back at the SHIRE meals and laughs were being shared as usual, posters and stencils for shirts are being made for Saturday's anti-GMO rally, my phone found a charger so it has a full battery again, goats were chased back into the pen after making a stealthy unnoticed escape, a massive sky full of shining sun and glittering stars is gazed upon and appreciated by all, Nova's banzai tree is slowly being loved back to life...
One interesting occurrence worth noting is that a new visitor, Monica, who arrived yesterday, is reading Travels With Charley, as am I, and when this was discovered she went and got her copy to see how far along we both were and as cosmic luck would have it we were both on page 80! except her book was laid open on 80 although she was actually up to 114 or so. Funniest of all is we have been very extremely casually reading these books, dipping in here and there for a dose of Steinbeck, and here we cross paths in Texas, she from Florida, I from California, same book, different version, facts uncovered unexplainably. Does it mean anything?
Does anything mean anything?
In this everthickening web of cause and effect, I have found it is best to keep explanations minimal, and live simply knowing I am right where I am supposed to be at all times, expereiencing the only experience that I can. The synchronicities get looked at like juicy attention grabbing one-liners in a storybook (popup book perhaps) and just make me want to keep reading.

Monday, March 21, 2011


40 miles of pedaling and 750 or so of hitched rides, 3 in pickup trucks and one Saab, stories shared and roadside scenes left me in Austin on a Saturday night/full moon/silent disco in the enchanted forest on the eve of my lovewarrior sister Nova's birthday. The Saab ride provider (of about 400 miles!) was a ski bum from Vail on his way home in south Texas but decided to stay for the party as well. Sweet divine timing in this episode. After howling at the moon surrounded by people of the light we headed back to the SHIRE (sustainable habitat incorporating renewable education) where I will contribute to the glow in any way possible for the coming week. Today I had time to stretch out, read Travels with Charley (Steinbeck), help make a GM NO! stencil for Saturday's anti-monsanto rally, get rowdy with the dogs, talk with the goats, helped bake eight delicious fluffy loaves of love bread, drink 10 cups of ginger/honey/elderberry/jasmine tea, enjoy many birdsongs, listen and share in assorted conversations varying in level of seriousness, and just be smiley little young me. The energy of this place is comforting to me, it is light. The breeze blows warm and makes this southern sojourn refreshing in feel. Slow is the new hurry. Real human connection replaces projected image illusions. Help everyone else is the new help yourself. Tomorrow will allow me many beautiful opportunities again, one being a sushi blessing that I will orchestrate to put smiles on faces and ital-vital in bellies, and perhaps a jaunt to Austin for a Share Knowledge session, who knows? One might say I am really getting my money's worth (if money was worth anything), but I know I am receiving blessings of far greter value/

Friday, March 18, 2011

Back on the road

Currently sitting in a handbuilt adobe palace outside Santa Fe, NM. Back on the road after a brief attempt (again) at finding a "routine scene" to be a part of. the routine scene, you know, job job job and some socializing and being seen in the scene, know what I mean? Well that kind of dream supports a different kind of green than I'd like to support, see, the frogskin world has people caught up in this tornado of illusion as to what is necessity. The only thing you NEED to carry in this world is respect. I carry it, and I get taken care of. The house I am in belongs to someone I have known for 20 minutes of my life (through couchsurfing.org) but the respectful, loving intent of a human is picked up on by those who possess it, so here I am. Mi casa es su casa es todos casas. Today I will begin the hitch pedal to get to Austin, TX 700 miles away. I do not know where I will sleep tonight and that is alright, I carry respect. Yesterday when I woke up to the Arizona desert sun slowly warming me I did not know Id be sleeping sound perched in the loft of the adobe palace. I also did not know I would get to jam for 20 minutes in a badass African drum and dance class in Albuquerque. A craigslist rider we picked up in Flagstaff was trained in this amazing art and gave us a glimpse into her world. Although it was a brief glimpse it was heartfelt to see raw passion. These women were dancing their hearts out, and I was just pounding away on the drum keeping the beat as good as I could, just feeding off the amazing vibration that was afloat in the room. Whether its snowboarding, or bicycling or dancing or sitting on the corner waiting for no one (Ginsburg), when there is passion and stoke involved, it is all really the same. It is all in our hearts, the respect and the passion. Many would say it is all in your head, which it kinda is, if you want to get all zen about it, but the electricity is strongest in the heart and there is no denying this. Carry respect and gratitude for each passionate heartbeat and all will always be all right.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Love Vibration

LOVE is on the rise

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thoreau foryo

Henry David Thoreau believed that technology was counterproductive because it served as a distraction from the important questions of life.
He wrote in Walden:
"Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things... We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to communicate."