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Thursday, May 13, 2010

Education Shmeducation

"Deeply embedded in the conventional wisdom is the idea that educating is mostly about making a living rather than making a life."

Taken from here

I am a living breathing example that college was mostly a waste (especially in brain cells), high school (all boys catholic!) was a complete waste, and elementary school was a booger picking daydreaming extravaganza (No regrets, though, as it was my predetermined path to see life through this chain of events. I am ever grateful I saw the light!)....The past 5 years of being educated by the universe is more priceless than I could have ever imagined, and I usually got paid to receive it!!! I have travelled ridiculous amounts, making all kinds of super sweet missions, and meeting the most amazing beautiful people, the likes of which never ever came to speak to me in a classroom setting.....so I say fuck textbooks, fuck desks, fuck sitting in linear rows, fuck number 2 pencils, fuck being pointed at for expressing your true self, fuck stupid rules enforced by power tripping teachers, fuck the homogenization of the youth, what a travesty to impose on human beings during their most creative and spontaneous and formative years! The system knows this and merely wants to manufacture a complacent, materialistic workforce for their own monetary gain in this huge game of monopoly...well, I'm passing go without rolling the dice and collecting a lifetime worth of riches, keep your 200 paper dollars to wipe your sniffling high-fructose noses with! Ha! Double Ha Ha!
Free-ality provides us with all the wealth we could ever imagine having. Nature was provided, perfect as-is, for us to walk upon and play like children all our lives and have NO worries. I cannot emphasize enough enough enough! that Love and fear cannot co-exist in the same moment and since life is just a string of moments, just choose Love, and prest-o change-o!! Like magic the truth unfolds like a celestial red carpet right before your beautiful love-filled eyes.
That said, I'm going to the beach!

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