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Saturday, June 12, 2010

Article on poverty seen in india and Kenya/ I need answers!

this is from an article on realitysandwich.com:

While we were in Kenya the European Union voted on a trillion dollar bail out for the Euro and to stabilize its economy. We also read that last year alone the US spent more than a trillion dollars on weapons. Where is the trillion dollars to put in a sanitation system in the slums of Nairobi or Mumbai, and every other urban slum on the planet? In his book, Banker to the Poor, Muhammad Yunus states the bottom line pre-requisite for every last human being on the planet: 1. A rainproof house: 2. a sanitary toilet; 3. clean drinking water, and 4. three meals per day. Unable to do this much, we as a species have failed ourselves. We prefer guns and money.

I often consider the intentions behind greedy actions performed by other sacred human souls, such as weapons funding, or offshore drilling decisions (natural gas wells have recently had some explosions that are being dwarfed due to the whole BP mess), or the whole equation that creates the ever widening gap between rich and poor...Thomas Paine is rolling in his grave right now due to the lack of common sense used in so many sectors of "modern" and "civilized" society.
I have been training my self recently to not create or foster any negative energy...not using the word hate, not passing subjective judgments, genuinely complementing strangers to produce smiles...in an attempt to add to the divine cycle of positive beautiful LOVE filled energy that is found in nature...Lord (Buddha, Jah, etc.) knows there is already enough bad energy and negative intentions put into things so I DO NOT need to be a contributor to that.
So then the question arises in the pit of my soul: What can I do? Where I can I help the most? I need answers but sometimes i just want to live simply, a happy sensual life where if I am happy all is good...but i know in the back of my mind there is poverty and people dying due to moral negligence every second of every day in every corner of the globe...but that statement right there kind of goes against my training of fostering positive energy, because it makes me sad, and a bit angry because I want everyone as happy as me....world peace is possible, a very real possibility, to much beauty in this world to not flourish. The answers will come, this is just verbal diarrhea. Peace. Love. Happiness. Smiles. Love...spread it!

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