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Monday, January 4, 2010


Life is funny when everything is provided by the "dude upstairs"
...I found a sealed ziplock bag the other day with 2 granola bars, a clementine, and a banana in it...I found a shitty Huffy bicycle buried in the snow with a wonky front wheel but everything else in tact,,,I found a free filing cabinet on the side of the road that has now been converted into a kitchen cabinet/ prep table...I found amazing people to share the holidays with and make it feel like family...I play soccer in Luke's studio apartment, then do yoga, and then gogo gadget table and we sit on the same floor and share a meal...the neighbors have the door code to a hot tub nearby for sore bone soakin'...I got given a free lift ticket in the parking lot at squaw Valley yesterday and then ran into the girl who gave me a ride up to Squaw and followed her around, having soooo much fun in the process...just take it all as it comes, even when you get a bad vibe from people you just asked for a lift ticket from and mere seconds later a car passing by smashes you with brown puddle splash...we can only laugh at the silliness
...Tune in, turn on, and drop the fuck out of all the useless filler that you are fed to accept. You do what you want, I do what I want, and we laugh, that simple
...Oh and I found the sequel to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Life, The Universe, and Everything - at the library for a dollar, which I have a few of in my pocket still somehow
...The name of my book is going to be How to Not Work for Eight Months and Spend Three Thousand Dollars in Two Hemispheres Killing It. . .kinda has a nice ring to it don't you think?

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