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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Full time living

Full time living.
Living life is like a full time job, fuller than full. If we can see it as such, then any job we have in our life becomes a part of living instead of separate from it.
We often hear terms like "social life" "family life" and "work life" which creates segregation and makes it seem as if one person is living multiple lives.
The result of this makes people act differently depending on which life they are in, so then how can someone ever come to know themselves?
Some people might think they should not have to do anything resembling work if they are not at work, or they are not allowed to be playful with their coworkers as they are with their children. I have often heard, "i just don't have the time to...because I am at work all day and get home late and am very tired."
This kind of practice prohibits renewal of ones beliefs (asking "why do I live this way? who am I living for?") and leads to being stuck in certain ways. Life is everchanging and we would be best advised to flow with it, instead of becoming stuck.
I remember how my mother would get if she felt like she was doing all the housework, and would get emotional and say "I work really hard everyday and I deserve a little help around here/should not have to do so much housework after a long day at the office"
She has every right to ask her family for help, but as we know, getting emotional effects others just as much as it effects us.
Emotional blinding keeps people from the realization that they chose everything they burden themselves with and the power of acceptance to help them deal with everything as it comes, thus lessening this treacherous feeling of burden.
With my new understanding of karma, I realize that hard work really does pay off, like a sales job where the harder you work the more you gain. This payoff is then sure to motivate continued hard work. The same hindrances will appear no matter what form of life we are in so just because there is no boss looking over our shoulder at home does not mean the karmic impact of our actions is any different. I think most people are living life at minimum wage standards, simply maintaining existence without a clear idea of what they are living for, And this creates more work for others who live with an awareness of the responsibility of being human. Luckily, the ones with a blessed awareness of their Divine Nature are accepting of this extra load and happy to help others to awaken.
We are very much a monkey see monkey do species, learning from our parents and surrounding environments, so when selfishness, both subtle and extreme, is prevalent, we accept it as the norm, thinking, "life must be about living for me, increasing my comfort zone, learning for the sole purpose of progressing my self".. And progression in today's modern system is mostly measured by your individiual material gain. This creates competition and a survival-of-the-fittest attitude. I believe one of the factors contributing to global warming is a rise in peoples body temperatures as a result of increased stress and overthinking...there was alot less taking place in the human mind just centuries ago.. .it is a pattern that has taken hold of greater humanity, and oftentimes, deviations from this pattern: selflessness, deep spiritual beliefs, a disinterest in the "norm"* raises eyebrows and seems strange.
I strongly believe that not everything is as it seems, and my path in this lifetime has shown me that there is something more powerful than the material world, that there MUST be a reason why us humans were put here, and why precious Life was created in the firstplace, WHAT is the other 92% of our brain doing? A human's mental capAcity is as limitless as the sky above our heads, and I think it is no coincidence that both inner and outer worlds (All) stretch infinitely in all directions.
Talk about intelligent design!
If we can imagine heaven we can surely create it, just like when we were children, and our imaginations swore to us that what we were thinking WAS real. We are all connected, so when one person breaks out of old selfish patterned living and creates a strong link in the Divine web, Light can only flourish from then on. We were given thought and we were given choice, and I think it is safe to say our Designer wanted to paint a beautiful picture.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


My monkey mind was holding onto fear and doubt alot this past week.
I have been home for almost three weeks now and got 5 days of work immediately which was good and occupied my time and got me excited to get more work ( I usually do event/promotional work which means i have to keep finding it ) but then I havent found anything more even though i have been applying for so many gigs and random jobs through a website here that makes that possible.
So It has been ten days now with no work, and in those days I had alot of down time where i found myself stuck in my head: fear of the future, fear of the ways of the Matrix and how everyone I know has had a head start and are comfortable with jobs and money while I was out wandering around like a little kid, doubting my abilties in such a fast paced high tech city and ways that I am not accustomed to, wanting to move back to the mountains, wanting to escape to comfort bla bla bla...
I could see my holding was so intense and it made me lazy at home, having to force myself to do what my parents needed doing. My sister and I did a cleanse with 5 days of no eating which made me make an excuse for being more sluggish.
I still knew the point, the clear water, but the murky particles were all gathering and moving around in the glass so much that i didnt have time to just appreciate the clear water.
One thing happened which really helped me though, and that was when my mom was being really emotional over an inheritance battle she is involved in with her brother, and she said how much she loves hearing mine and kat's voices and having us at home...that sorta made me kick myself real quick an think, "you idiot, you are here for them, that IS the point!" so the last two days have been much easier to just be in the moment and keep my siin (balanced mind) flowing, doing things for my parents and just switching the focus to NOT me.
The question I have from observing my weeks at home so far is this:
Does holding on too tightly to good feelings (when i found work immediately and just that general fresh start motivation I seem to get everytime I begin a new phase) give us more of a challenge when the good feeling is gone? Like the escalator example; If we start running as fast as we can up the down escalator, will we eventually have to stop to catch our breath and end up being brought past where we started running at? Does holding too strong to good or bad feelings switch the focus to ourself and make it more difficult to think of others?

Wanted: calmed minds

Think of this (ha no pun intended): if we cannot even control the thoughts and imagination of our mind, what makes us think* we can control anything? This idea confirms my belief in an enlightened state, where the mind is completely still, a void allowing the REAL (my best way of describing the true nature of things, opposite of this three D illusion) to come through crystal clear hi def divine satellite transmission....basically, I believe that the world needs more calm minds NOW!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Death Dream

To me, dreams are just another means to raise an eyebrow and a reminder that life is a truly intricate design worthy of respect and awe. I used to try and draw meaning from my dreams, especially the few that have very directly connected to my waking life and even sort of predicted the future, but like anything metaphysical, and the simple fact that I cannot really KNOW anything, I decided it was a waste of energy to go any further than awe and respect. I tried reading Carl Jung's book on dream analysis once and it was so bloody complex and intellectualy ornate that it helped me with the realization that some things are just better left unanalyzed.
Things such as dreams, and non-linear time, and no-such-thing-as-self, and the current three dimensional reality being limited to our five senses and the mind (what does the other 92% of our brain do?), and auras and crystal energies, and enlightened individuals that can perform miracles (real life superheroes!), and so many interesting things that cannot be easily directly experienced and is really just for intellectual (or wannabe-intellectual) speculation; the useful stuff involves this three dimensional sensual and mental reality that I am an active participant in right NOW.
In this age of efficiency I am not trying to waste any time (time, ha!), but I am pretty damn good at it.
My dreams, when remembered, put little quizzical grins on my face before I get out of bed, and I usually will share them with my company that day to see who else is experiencing mind boggling dream-reality.
Last night I had a death dream, where I was taking part in a sort of game where I choose three ways to kill someone, and kill them those three ways and then they get to kill me in three ways of their choosing. I cannot recall the ways in which I killed, but when it was my turn to be killed I remember hoping that the methods would not be very painful. One of the methods was going to be extremely painful and brutal and I was overcome with a terrible momentary feeling fear of this pain, but then I told myself that it is part of the game that I chose to play and I must play by the rules. I cannot remember much more except that I laid down to be killed one of the times and had accepted my fate because dying was just a physical thing and did not effect my spirit.
Lately my dreams have involved strong emotions and sensations that seem very real at the time; like being determined to learn to fly and knowing I can if I keep trying; and enjoying playing a soccer game against children because it was so easy to score goals; and thinking my friend was crazy for smoking some kind of strange drug with the texture of sea sponge but smoking it anyway so I would not be judged by him; and seeing a full moon so close and so bright and then it did a complete 180 and I saw the Dark Side of the Moon right infront of me but felt that it must have been me who flipped because the moon does not rotate; and being really jealous because a girl I really like (in real life and in dream) chose a pro surfer instead of me.
A friend of mine told me the other day that in a few days there will be a cosmic event that will influence our dreams and bring them closer to our waking life, or something along those lines. Speculation to keep in the mental rolodex for cross referencing with my upcoming dreams.
If you are reading this and thought of interesting dreamworlds ou have visited recently, please share them, my eyebrows can always go higher on my large head.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Bon Voyage Kaleb (collub)

Kalebs parting letter
The following is a parting gift to my good hobo bicyclist brother Kaleb before he sets out on a 9 month pedal across Asia in search of, well, mainly food and shelter, and alot of confused looks from locals. Mays his days be filled with pedaling pavement and prosperity, and maybe a bit of that other p-word men seem to love so much.

Parting words....been reading Rumi slowly these days just for kicks since im just kicking it with my 86 year young grandmother who gets drunk off a glass of wine and tries to turn on the television with the telephone...ah to be old and wrinkled, someday someday,
but now we embrace youth! (remind me i said to remind me to say i said to say that when i am wrinkled, remind me)...

"dont be a searcher wrapped in the importance of his own quest"

On your journey, just represent humanity in the best way possible,
lend a hand whenever you can,
expect only the unexpected,
and heed the call of each days blessing,
even if you are bug bitten and have the shits those are the times to feel the blessing even more...
bike touring is lucrative for the ego as you return home to constant showers of oooos and ahhhhhs and "i wish i could do thats"...
thats not the point...
forget the destination, you know you will get there but once you arrive the next journey has already begun so do we ever really arrive anwhere?!
Think about that...
just be now.
How does one person maintain sanity sitting in the same room their entire life?
Simple, they just look at that room each morning for the first time...
that sounds insane but who is really sane anyfucking way?

"when someone is counting out
gold for you, dont look at your hands,
or the gold. Look at the giver."

Look at the giver
Look at the giver.
Look at the giver.
Look at the giver.
That one is self explanatory, but know that the giver is all around you and you are the giver too!
Dont forget to smile at everything and laugh even at times when you want to curse the evil bastards that burned you or the chick you thought was a chick but now her huge boner is rubbing against yours...
laughter is the best medicine,
if i see you crying or complaining im gonna come slap the shit outta you and make you piss your pants with laughter.
I know you get the point,
but you may think you are going on a grand bicycle journey in a faraway land.
That is not true.
You are just sharing life on a planet as a human with other humans looking for a good time the same as you,
no different,
no differences...except you will be in spandex, which will make people piss themselves with laughter so that puts you on the right track already.
Im sorry for all the meat i couldnt share with you last summer, and all the meat you missed out on as a result of my selfishness...as if we could afford it anyway,
but now i put fang to flesh on the daily...
life is too short to not fully integrate into humanity,
like a true mothafucking chameleon.
The fringe is nice for a glimpse to see whats out there (and far ouuuuut have we gone!)
but those gathered in the middle are keeping the core nice and warm and I like a good snuggle.
Snuggle nuggle,

Monday, August 22, 2011

Free knowledge!!!

Open your eyes! The best teachers are all around us in......
Live like a sun, let everything you touch grow.
Live like wind, bypass obstacles on your way, do not try to move them.
Live like water, change shape, color, and taste depending on where life carries you: FLOW!
Live like earth, be patient and accept everything that gets put on you.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Strength versus FLEXIBILITY

  • I recently posted this status update on Facebook:
  • "If you are strong, opposing forces will crash and smash into you, if you are flexible, you absorb the opposing force and slingshot it right back into itself, leaving no effect on yourself, yeah? "
  • ...and my friend replied "depends on the situation, yeah?"
  • ...so I thought about it for a bit and replied:

  • Im back in the matrix now so I'll keep my eyes open for examples in my experience, but I'm pretty sure that flexible provides the best possible outcome...it indicates a passionate level of acceptance, and an open-mindedness that does not stand against anything, but WITH everything.
  • There is strength in flexibility but very little flexibility in strength, if any at all.
  • Nature is flexible, therefore so should we be, as we are merely natural processes with intention.
  • I believe that a strong mind is a closed mind, such as I have been in the past, creating a separation between me and others by holding onto certain beliefs of "i am" so strongly, making these opposing forces affect me negatively, because I knew best and everyone should surely do as I do, "but why can't the just fucking wake up!?"
  • The ego is a clever little devil and will justify its egocentricity in ways so subtle that I could not even realize how big my ego was (because I was so spiritual and pure blah blah blah). Its just a big swirl of cause and effect out there, in here. If we understand the cause ( mind ) we can produce positive effects ( actions ) now, but must accept our karma from the past, and not try and go against it and create more negative karma.
  • Karma is a whole nother issue I have been educated on recently, and that is why I believe in flexibility and a true going-with-the-flow-of-everything attitude. I do what I can do and practice keeping the ego-enablers quiet in the corner of my monkey mind (monkey because the mind is always moving but can be calmed) and produce positive actions that help others. Life is awe-full!"

  • Do you have any examples of how flexibility is preferable to strength?

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The camera technique

The camera technique (objective observation of the self, like having a camera pointed on yourself) is a tool for practicing mindfulness, to be aware of the present moment. By practicing observation of my thoughts and actions in each moment I have begun to understand my self more clearly. I can see the benefit of care-full observation in order to act appropriately in each situation, with the ultimate goal (without wanting) of being the most useful I can be for others.

When I am listening to someone, I practice listening, focusing my attention on them. When I am driving, I am focused on driving, when eating, I focus on eating. When I am contemplating, i focus on the object of contemplation.

Anywhere my thoughts might drift during these moments, i observe them, and then patiently return to the present. I say patiently because there have been times where i get angry or frustrated with myself for losing focus, which is silly; to become excited that i am doing it right or to get nervous that i am doing it wrong is wasted energy. The middle way is patient, not strict or overwhelming.

After all, a lifetime of habitual daydreaming does not change overnight. Mindfulness must be made habit through consistent practice. Tom describes a tap dripping water into a cup: if the dripping is consistent, the cup will eventually fill up (with awareness) but if there are only a few drips here and there, the water has time to dry up before accumulating.

When I left for vipassana 7 weeks ago, Tom told me to not worry about the form but to remember the tool. The tool is mindfulness, and by practicing consistently we are basically meditating all day long, everything becomes a meditation. The present moment is where we must exist, because it is real, unlike the past or future.

I can safely say that I have noticed progress in my practice in these past seven weeks. My quality of thoughts is much higher, meaning they are not the usual daydreaming sort that i had become used to. I am more genuinely thinking of the others around me, and seeing the importance of caring for others and being cared for: life is so much better this way!

And as Tom often answers many questions: "it depends on your mind." Mindfulness helps keep my mind clear, so that I can depend on it, and in turn, I can be depended on by others.

I am very grateful for these last 2 months and will be leaving Baan Kiri in 3 days with a new set of eyes and a new purpose and the knowledge thAt it is up to me and only me whether this purpose gets fulfilled.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Function Fashion...whats the point?

The way we chase after happiness and fullfillment is because we become attached to a feeling.
For years I would keep travelling and seeking crazier and crazier adventures just to compete with myself and fill myself with the good feeling of being unique and tell others about my uniqueness. I became very good at feeling so cool.
I thought that real happiness came from this feeling.
Now I am starting to understand that real happiness comes from fullfilling a purpose, knowing the "why" of whatever we are doing and achieving that purpose.
Our ideal purpose as humans is to do for others, to make them happy, in return this actually fills us with real happiness.

Function before fashion:
When things are functional they are useful, they serve some purpose. Hiking boots are durable and waterproof for climbing mountains in all conditions. My headband is keeping my hair out of my eyes. If these things serve their purpose it does not matter what they look like.
Fashionable things are often not very useful, usually quite use-less. They produce a feeling for the user but not much else. Makeup is just used for the feeling it creates, unless it is used As sunblock. A fast sports car looks really cool and gets you somewhere in a hurry but will be useless on rugged terrain or to carry people and things.

Sure, there are practical things we need to do for ourselves such as eat to sustain health or dress warm to not freeze to death, but these are things where the purpose is obvious.
Often, when there is no obvious purpose for an action the reason is most likely selfish. Selfish acts can easily become habit, as I have experienced, and easy to keep us blind to our selfishness.
This habit can then make it very difficult to think of and do for others. For example, if my mother wants me to vacuum the house, my first thought might be "uggghh, I don't want to do that!" and when i am doing it just so she wont get mad, I create an unpleasant experience for myself. Maximum happiness can be achieved if I simply do it because i know it will make her happy, and with this in mind, i can actually enjoy the task.

Make a habit of asking, "why am I doing this?"
Make a habit of only doing for others.

Don't be blinded by the passion of fashion,
Put "fun" in your function!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Compassion Excercise

The Compassion Excercise:
A friend gave me the following excercise on a card that I carry around, and it has helped me to realize the potential of everyone to learn, regardless of how they might seem in the present moment.
Also has helped to lessen the severity of my automatic mental judgment of others based on appearance (fat people, louis vuittoned gucci-d out people , unaware text messagers, heavily makeupd scantily clad women...physical appearances that gave rise to aversion within me) and see through the facade and realize
Happy Practicing : )
"Just Like Me" by Harry Palmer
Honesty with one's self leads to compassion for others.

Objective: To increase the amount of compassion in the world.
Expected Result:: Increase in understanding and a personal sense of peace.
Instructions: This exercise can be done anywhere that people congregate (airports, events, beaches, etc.). It should be done on strangers, unobtrusively and from some distance. Try to do all five steps on the same person.

With your attention on the person, repeat to yourself: "Just like me, this person is seeking some happiness for (his or her) life.
With your attention on the person, repeat to yourself: "Just like me, this person is trying to avoid suffering in (his or her) life.
With your attention on the person, repeat to yourself: "Just like me, this person has known sadness, suffering, and despair."
With your attention on the person, repeat to yourself: "Just like me, this person is seeking to fill (his or her) needs."
With your attention on the person, repeat to yourself: "Just like me, this person is learning about life."

Variations of the Just Like Me process:
Done by couples to increase understanding of each other.
Done on old enemies and antagonists still present in one's memories.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Zen poem by Layman Pang

When the mind is at peace,
the world too is at peace.
Nothing real, nothing absent.
Not holding on to reality,
not getting stuck in the void,
you are neither holy nor wise, just
an ordinary fellow who has completed his work.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

My thoughts on True Love

True Love
I have contemplated Love for a few days (and for many lifetimes beyond that) as it is very important to me to understand certain parts of life that need a deep truth-full understanding in order for proper action. I consider heart centered Love to be one of those vital parts, especially when shared with another person .
Learning by doing is great and natural to make mistakes but only if we learn from them and break old patterns to come closer to real...like me 4 years ago in my last real serious relationship which was a combo of dream and nightmare, opposite ends of the spectrum, emotionally supercharged and I vowed to do a bit of soul searching before comitting to someone fully, to understand myself.
So I had a few casual relationships here and there, and kept communication fairly open but often found myself acting out of fear of a repeat of dramaville, and not allowing any woman too close.
Now I think I am ready, and without forcing anything someday hope to give up my life for her, to live only for her, whoever she may be.
Why am I ready?
Because I understand my mind, the impermanence of everything it brings, and learning better and better control my emotions, and to act out of wisdom instead of feeling.
To understand our minds we can understand others, since we all share the same mind.
As for intimate, fully comitted soulsharing relationships, there must also be a clear understanding, an open communication as to what the point of being together is...in anything we undertake we should always ask what the point is. The point of having a soulmate for me would be to be loved unconditionall by someone because I love them the same, complete surrender to someone else so the world may become a bit brighter.
I think the Into The Wild dude said it best that " happiness is only real when shared, " and that is what i am especially experiencing here in Thailand with my sister, my guru, and the couchsurfers that come thru,,,sharing is awesome! Giving without Any desire for compensation is a bit tricky but it is where magic lies and gets easier once the heartwarming benefits pick up speed.
My guru often says: if we dont care for anybody, then why should anybody care for us...and i see by his example that by doing and thinking constantly of others, serves him quite well to be cared for in return.
This way feels so right to me it requires no explanation I simply want a partner who i can live completely a thousand percent for and know in my heart that she is doing the same for me...knowing, not expecting...that is why the communication and constant renewal of eachother and the relationship is key, because uncommunicated expectations create unnecesary emotional tangles.
As far as emotions are concerned, i think true love is an exception in the spectrum...lust, passion, jealousy, infatuation, in-loveness, are all powerful mind/ego emotions that can create turmoil and discomfort and smother that understanding of the point two people unite: to know true, heart based love, calm and peaceful understanding with no room for doubt that these lives that were once two are now one.
So just ask what the point is and be aware of emotions that come up and be honest to yourself and the other person at all costs and co-muni-cate.
I also sorta believe that a man needs a strong woman, but a stong woman is perfectly fine solo...it has to do with the life giving capacity of each...women grow the life and give birth...men have one puny orgasm and all their energy is spent...who has more energy? Goddesses.
But propagation of our species is ideal when there is a conscious and loving mother AND father around.
This is what I think about that.
Today was epic as usual, epic food, been catching up on soooo much meat eating its rediculous, i dont think i was vegetarian in any past lives! Cruisin around the motorbikes in the rain, cruised a bookstore for a bit, then we bought a pound of curry paste to bring home and a whole box of nag champa, and discussed more dharma, specifically the cause of suffering (ego) and seeing everyone as equals and not letting our emotions judge their appearance or actions...the things they dont teach you in college....super!

The Art of Living

From "The Art of Living: Vipassana Meditation as taught by S.N. Goenka"
Every human being is conditioned to assume that the real wod is outside, that the way to live life is by contact with an external reality, by seeking input, physical and mental, from without. Most of us have never considered severing outward contacts in order to see what happens inside. The idea of doing so probably sounds like choosing to spend hours staring at the test pattern on a television screen. We would rather explore the far side of the moon or the bottom of the ocean than the hidden depths within ourselves.
But in fact the universe exists fir each of us only when we experience it with body and mind. It is never elsewhere, it is always here and now. By exploring the here-and-now of ourselves we can explore the world. Unless we investigate the world within, we can never know reality- we will only know our beliefs about it, or our intellectual conceptions of it. By observing ourselves however, we can come to know reality directly and can learn to deal with it in a positive, creative way.

Dhamma Pop

I honestly think it is safe to say, "a culture that cannot distinguish illusion from reality will kill itself" the general "we" are trapped in an illusion labeled "reality", and the small percentage of humanity aware of this, do their part and pull their weight to be a useful, compassionate aid to humanity, because the unaware are stuck in an idea of self and therefore live selfishly, but whats the point of living only for your benefit when you share the planet with a few trillion people with who knows how many more unborn awaiting?
We are all the same, rich poor black white, same mind, different form...my only solution is to do my part, because that is all i can do, and never give up hope...awareness, acceptance, compassion, the pandora's box is open, so what are YOU going to do?


Why do we suffer?
As long as there is ego there is suffering. The belief of "I am" keeps us under the condition of wanting and unwanting. The holding of any belief as "mine" has the capability of inducing varying degrees of suffering.
Some forms of suffering are small and easy to overlook because of beliefs that have become habit: I am hungry, I am tired.
Suffering on a higher level occurs when our emotions take over completely: My girlfriend cheated on me with my best friend and I feel strong anger and hatred; My family died in a car accident and i feel extremely sad and angry.
If we react mentally and/or physically to our emotions, we remain trapped in the cycle of suffering and the same situations will continue to arise in this life and the next.
Even the belief that enlightenment, to completely erase any concept of self and sensual attachment, will take a greAt deal of hard work, gives rise to doubt and laziness, is also suffering.
Thinking is suffering. Life is suffering. It is all because of our mind the way we have known it (and ignored it) all our lives. Suffering suffering suffering...even realizing this I am suffering!
The BEST thing we can do is accept any suffering and acknowledfe its impermanence, the simple fact that it will not last forever. To react in any way will only increase suffering for us and others.
My guru says to think of it as a game and use a playful mind when dealing with everything. The only rule is karma.
Less ego = less suffering, and this is our best option at the moment.
Staying aware and staying in the present moment with our cameras on, observing our thoughts and accompanying emotions.
Being care-full of our words and actions so to not compromise ourselves or our karma...less ego = more thinking of others and doing for others = becoming free from our self.
In the Handbook for Mankind BB says that the first three steps toward right, selfless living, are:
Giving up belief of self.
Giving up doubt (that we are on the right path).
Giving up superstitious beliefs (gods, rituals, santa claus).
"There are no things at all, there is only emptiness, emptiness of self."
We are so very fortunate to have these teachings and tools for our use to become better human beings so that others may learn from our example and raise their awareness as well.

Past life/reincarnation info


Monday, July 18, 2011

Practicing Peace in Times of War

Pema Chödrön (Practicing Peace in Times of War)
When you open yourself to the continually changing, impermanent, dynamic nature of your own being and of reality, you increase your capacity to love and care about other people and your capacity to not be afraid. You're able to keep your eyes open, your heart open, and your mind open. And you notice when you get caught up in prejudice, bias, and aggression. You develop an enthusiasm for no longer watering those negative seeds,

from now until the day you die.

And, you begin to think of your life as offering endless opportunities to start to do things differently."

Handbook for Mankind...highly recommened

Buddhadas Bikkhu
Handbook for Mankind

"What we must do is to lead the kind of life described as right living,
and be filled day and night with the joy that arises from conduct that is consistently good, beautiful and right.
This limits the aimless wandering of thougts
and makes it possible to concentrate and to experience true wisdom at all times.
Then, if the conditions are right, the result is disenchantment, breaking loose, becoming free.
It rests with each of us to practice introspection,
to observe and understand our own imperfections,
and then try to root them out completely.
Even if one is only partially succesful, some clear understanding will result.
As the defilements are progressively eliminated, their place is taken by purity, wisdom and peace."

Friday, July 15, 2011

Affirmation for living my life

Embrace simplicity,
Put others first,
Desire little.
~~Lao Tzu

The following is an affirmation for living that you can read and apply to your life. The ** denote my own personal experience.

Life is uncertain, impermanent, we can only expect the unexpected.
Death is sure. It is undeniable that every body ages, and at some point dies, and death can come at any moment.
So whAt then?
Awareness and acceptace of these simple truths has put me on a spiritual path, a search for deeper meaning to the question "what am I living for?" and "how should I live my life?"
A truthquest with many Trials tribulations and a heap of information i have sorted through to find what is useful and true for me.

**Since a child, i have had an acceptace of death, helping me to not fear it because I know it is inevitable and Im not going to waste energy worrying about something so unavoidable.
Also, now that I understand somewhat that i (whoever that is) have lived countless lives and therefore died many deaths makes the life I am living now seem no different than my previous and future lives. The outward forms may have varied in their appearance but underlying truths and lessons learned (or not) have spanned many of my lives and are most likely stashed away deep in my subconscious (wherever that is)**

Back to life, back to the reality I create, the endless cycle of cause and effect that is so far beyond my control that I have found acceptance to be one of the most useful tools for living.
Expect the unexpected = accept the unexpected = accept life... float down the river rather than trying to stand in one spot fighting the current.
What I can control somewhat, and through training come to control well, is my mind (whatever that is), and the intention i set based on the harvest i desire to reap.
The mind is the base of all thoughts and thoughts give rise to actions, so if i have an awareness of how my mind works: thoughts and emotions, I can then act appropriately in each situation life throws (sometimes launches or hurls) at me and be the useful human I want to be.
Awareness of my emotions helps me to notice the ones that have compromised my actions in the past (jealousy, anger, greed, excitement, restlessness etc.)
Positive emotions can have just as much influence as negative emotions, so I must be aware of all.
Understanding of the impermanence of these emotions is my tool to cultivate a calm mind that is not overpowered in the moment emotions arise. Just breathe, acknowledge, and let go.

The following paragraph is information from the Handbook for Mankind:
The constant practice of moral thought and behavior trains the mind in concentration making it fit for any task it must undertake. This concentration, is the calm that is unswayed by emotions and can produce right thoughts and actions without hesitance, with diligence. The concentrated, smooth operating mind, then gives way to wisdom and insight, seeing beyond right and wrong concepts and only what will be the most useful decision for any situation.
Morality ---> Concentration ---> Wisdom

Do I want to be a good human? Or a bad human I want to be a useful human, which is mostly good.
Why? What's the point?
If I was the only person on the planet, my actions would only affect me, and living would merely be survival for my benefit.
This is not the case.
There are billions of other sentient beings sharing life on this planet. All may appear different in form, but all share the same mind, same desires, same fears, same striving for a pleasurable experience, even same elemental physical makeup.
My thoughts, decisions, and actions affect everyone else as well as myself, even the unborn future generations. This fact I need to keep reminding myself of, especially with habits that i have formed that might make me less conscious of my actions because i am so used to reacting in a certain way
**(getting excited about things is one example of a habit i am working on being aware of)**

Hmmmmm, makes me think that there must be a purpose that we are all so similar; life must have a purpose.

Assumptions are not a useful mind tool but I am going to assume that life is not purposeless. Each human being is capable of intention and conscious decision making, and this cannot be purposeless, if it was I could not imagine an answer to the question "why?"
So if I lived my life completely selfishly, pleasure seeking for my own benefit, delusioned that my actions affect no one but myself **(sounds familiar)** and I die without anyone having any memory of me or my action, can my life be called a success? Was I useful?

In this life, I want to be useful. I see the purpose of so many of us here sharing, is just that, to share, to think of eachother and realize that each of our actions affects others and causes more actions which affect others and goes on and on and on into eternity.
Think for a second if we all were aware of our actions simply because we were thinking of someone else. Think of a world lacking selfishness.
So what to do then with this knowledge, this awareness that I might have finally discovered an answer that is useful?
Do the only thing I can do, using my mind and body as a resource of usefulness and the tools of awareness, acceptance, and compassion to practice practice practice being useful for others, because that is the most useful for my self.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Be the change you want.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"
I would like to see a world full of compassionate, selfless people so therefore I must initiate this change by being compassionate and selfless.

I know how you feel, having this new awareness and focus, and feeling in your heart that it is a powerful tool for the benefit of all, wanting to just shake your loved ones and scream, " Waaaake Up! This is how!"
I once thought this when i found my old beliefs (new at the time) about government and capitalism and healthy living etc. So i went around trying to convert everyone, and judging those who resisted as ignorant, as having something wrong with them, increasing my own suffering and wasting my energy.
And now with yet another set of beliefs and way of living for the benefit of others that same passion has arisen and i just want to go help everyone wake up to their true potential.
But what I realized is that i must practice changing myself first, and take little steps, just focusing on my family, and not compromising my practice for fear of judgment by old friends.
Keep it simple. Just be with your family and friends, doing what they want to do, observing yourself and observing them. Do whatever you can to be there for them in times of need. If situations that test you arise, be strong, but do not provoke those situations, as that will just create confusion and suffering. Stay calm and observant and let your wisdom grow until you are sure of the right things to say to people and understand why they act the way they act.

Also gratitude. Be grateful for the tools you have to make the world a bit brighter each day. We are blessed for all that we have to share!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Middle Men

Middle Men
Watched an interesting film called Middle Men the other night. With help from Tom I realized that the main character was able to succeed by following the middle path.
He was not too ignorant or stupid to make bad decisions, nor was he too smart and analytical of every siuation to give rise to confusion as to what the right decision is ( that indecisive feeling has driven me crazy many times!). Both of these characteristics, if we are unaware, will surely create unnecessary suffering for us and others. They also make us miss the point. And the point is: dont miss the point!
Instead, he was calm in all situations, accepting of all situations, and was able to act in a right manner even if it meant danger to his life. Not thinking too hard and losing focus but not acting mindlessly either.
Thinking about this has made me understand further the importance of acceptance of everything and everyone, and the awareness of the emotions that arise each time, to train this awareness and practice handling emotions so they do not handle me.
We are faced with many decisions everyday, many of which are "no brainers", meaning the right decision is obvious and we have no problem making it without thinking too hard, but it is made consciously at the same time, without thought, simply intuitively.
Other decisions might be much more difficult seeming but if we practice "no brainer" wisdom we can train ourself to make wise decisions every time.
Having the awareness that every decision we make is final and cannot be reversed is also important. If we make the right decision, we can move forward. If we make the wrong decision which brings about more suffering for us and/or others, then we do not progress and will have to keep facing the same situation ( karma) until we learn to make the right decision.
Practice practice practice, aware aware aware, grow grow grow. Living and learning sure are interesting when I am aware, and through my practice I do my duty as a human sharing life with other humans. If anyone else has any experiences with good/bad decisions and your practice of the middle way please share, and have a look at the movie if you get the chance, it was entertaining and insightful.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Current thought on moving past shadow civilisation

The facts are plain and clear and simple...giving them thought gives them power and may leave you feeling power-less...this is a common misconception...change starts with the individual, with compassion...we are ALL learning about life HERE, NOW, TOGETHER..even obama osama and the dalia lama strive for some happiness and have dealt with sadness...we all have belly buttons! upon realization of this simple fact, solutions start to come into the light...we know that this old "system" is fucked, good as garbage, that is why I pretty much deny its existence and am focused on a new, progressive system, a twist on an old classic called the "tribe", one that worked for millions of years...i, natural, and free, and creative (of the Creator), could not dwell within this shadow life of unReality, so I walked away, and in doing so have risen above to where the light is bright...I am not alone...we all have this choice, and awareness is currenlty spreading like the lovestorm it has manifested...LOVE!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Coming into the light

There is magic in thinking differently, meaning, thinking NOT the thoughts that most adults are thinking, thinking more along the lines of a child's mind, because what in the world is a child thinking? There's no real way to tell...I can tell you what a whole lot of adults are thinking so I will save those thoughts for them. Not saying that I am a mind reader, but more of an energy observer, as I myself am merely a microswirl dancing in the macro -swirl, so the predictable and most common thoughts repeat themselves over and over and over, especially when you step back and become the observer. The children remain spontaneous, seeming like they are working towards no tangible goal manifested in material gain. This is because they are more connected to the spiritworld and their ego has not taken over in its quest for subjective domination through the mind-lens. It is safe to say that children still view through a heart lens...mom is the love source, and scary dark creatures feel sacry and unpleasant. You know that look a random child gives you like they are telling you, "hey! Im your friend, wanna play or just make silly faces at eachother? How a child can stare right into your soul through your eyes...this is no joke, your ego wants you to categorize and "explain" this child's behavior as just that: child'splay....This goes much deeper and connects to the root of LOVE which is happiness, which is smiles and giggles, which is simple....Ego makes things difficult. Ego does not readily welcome change. Change is the only constant...EVERYTHING CHANGES...
I am my own resource in this interesting experiment we call life and I have unlocked the treasure chest of the soul by reverting, deprogramming back to childmind.
It's fucking awesome.
It's not expensive.
Its a great way to live.
Try it.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

My experiments in nutrition...

For the past 2 years I have been my own nutritional test dummy, figuring and re-figuring out what foods work best for me in keeping a sound spirit, mind, and body. In the process I had to break many old patterns and I gained a wealth of knowledge and understanding on how my natural system operates based on what nourishment I provide for myself (on all levels). For the first 25 years of my life I understood very little, or I should say questioned very little of what I ate. Food came in boxes and plastic bags and cans, meat was tasty meat, and I was active enough all my life that my metabolism was good and I felt healthy enough.

Fast forward to now, and I equate food to medicine, as I am simply a plant that requires sunlight, water, and nutrients. I also believe that food should be enjoyed, even junky food, as it is sometimes offered in good company with the intention of enjoyment, so no use in fighting enjoyment (there is a line to be drawn in case of extremes). i was anti- bad nutrition for a while, trying too much to impose my beliefs on others and judging them for their choices. Silly, programmed ego functions had made me a reactive person, something I am still working on by being compassionate and viewing life through an objective child-lens.
this is my experience:
--water: purified and as much as possible but not right after a meal. Soaking foods such as oats nuts and grains helps add to water intake. Drink more when eating breads and more slowly digested things. keeps my 80% water system cleansed and flowing, ready for any toxic encounter...lukewarm lemon water to start the day and ph balance my system, cinnamon tea is a favorite, also boiling crushed chunks of ginger for about 10 minutes makes a zinger of a brew. being hydrated makes me more energized and free-flowing (as there is more flowing in each cell).
--veggies-gotta get my veggies everyday-RAW IS BEST (for most, definitely do not overcook-especially leafy green salads-spinach, arugula, kale (chopped up small for raw), all lettuce, beet greens-cabbage is baddass, cheap, and hearty- carrots galore - avocados like whoa - peppers because spice is the variety of life - all veggies have different water content which gives them different cooking times when steaming or sizzling, but any combination will do, they are all good - almighty herbs of all kinds as much as possible, herbs unleash little medicine men in your intestines to do battle with any unwanted intruders - onions and garlic are super antibacterial so eat plenty, and forget about garlic smell, the more garlic i eat the less i smell like it, because I believe that garlic is such a powerful detoxer that the smell comes from toxins being removed and not the actual garlic, when i am eating real healthy, garlic doesn't make me smell - -ginger is beyond incredible, just grate it super fine into anything, from oatmeal to salad to soup , it makes me feel amazing when I use it consistently
coconut - water, oil, milk, shredded, the whole thing is one of god's miracles (i have a theory that the most difficult things to get to were made that way to protect something special inside, like the turtle and the coconut)
--nuts and seeds- these have helped sustain me many a time, and in surprisingly little amounts. pumpkin, sunflower, chia, hemp, flaxseed galore, flax oil as well for brain supplement. any kind of nut gives me good energy and keeps me feeling full, they are good addition to salads as they complement the greens on the trip through me
--fruit - I only eat whole fresh fruit, or fresh juice when possible, but very rarely do I drink pasteurized juice and if I do I usually dilute it with water to lessen the sweetness - an apple to start the day goes a long way, banana after a bike ride or mashed into my oatmeal/porridge/morning gruel - oranges are fun to share with people (everything is!) - any kind of melon makes me feel like a champion - berries I can rarely afford organic but if I am on the west coast during blackberry season you better believe I am eating pounds per day
--morning energy mash - soaked oats with a banana or apple mashed in or raw honey for sweetness, any combination of nuts and seeds, piles of cinnamon, shredded or chopped ginger, a pinch of salt if its gonna be a sweaty day, shredded coconut and pedal 40 miles to lunch
--salad dressing - olive oil and raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar, sometimes mustard or bragg's soy sauce mixed in
--seasoning- mineral salt: himalayan or celtic right from the earth, I dont use much and a bit more if I'm going to be sweaty (glowing) - cumin, coriander, turmeric, cayenne pepper are my favorites, black pepper too.
--grains- mostly brown rice and quinoa...brown rice fills me up but keeps me light...quinoa is a complete protein which gives good energy to my skinny meatless bones
-- beans and lentils are hearty and I love them in delicious veggie soups
--raw honey and bee pollen are two favorites of mine, although I haven't had pollen in a while. The bees are magical creatures, nature's buzzy chefs, providing incredible medicinal nutrition derived from flowers, wild! Read "The Shamanic Way of the Bee" if you want to know more about their magic.
--seaweed- i have recently been using more seaweed, just boiled into a broth or put into soup...kelp mostly but anykind seems to give me a full feeling and good energy...all seaweed is edible and has amazing probiotic healing properties
Foods that make me feel weird/bad:
bread- makes me sluggish, low energy, smellier easier, sweat more, and bowel movements are not as smooth. I think of it just turning back into dough inside me, sluggin' along for days. i noticed a radical increase in my energy once i stopped eating bread, and it decreases anytime i eat it a few days in a row. Eating bread makes my muscles sore.
dairy- pasteurized milk and cheese do weird things to me, tummy rumbles, gassy, sweaty thighs. Yogurt is about as far as i'll go but seldom and in little amounts. A week after I cut pasteurized dairy out of my diet I felt amazing, and the few times I have eaten cheese in recent years I have enjoyed it but not felt good afterwards.
sugar - i have a sweet tooth but i have noticed that the more sugar i consume the more irritable i am, the less deep I sleep, and the more groggy my wakeup is.
chocolate - i eat it as dark as possible because when i do eat it i eat too much usually but it has no adverse affects on me as long as I don't eat it too late at night, it has to be burned right after eating it.

I have felt absolute best on all levels when eating simply, while the sun is up. plenty of veggies and only a little natural sugar...and small portions (portions these days are rediculous, a smoothie for breakfast and two small meals had me more awake than I have ever been). I enjoy eating slowly, with good intention and gratitude for the nourishment i am receiving...that is my ideal formula for staying light.

Old patterns are tricky buggers sometimes and as a traveler it is not always easy to stick to a regimented diet, and since life is not regimented and must be spontaneous, I often just go with the flow, but will definitely NOT eat gnarly meat that I do not know who raised or killed the animal, and I will NOT eat McDonalds or any related satanic flavorsponge.

I rarely eat out at restaurants for financial reasons and I do not know who is cooking my food and where it came from. If someone offers to buy me a meal I will usually always gladly accept and eat the most appealing menu item for me, usually a salad, veggie stirfry/soup, sometimes fish tacos, or sweet potato fries and shrimp gumbo (that sums up the past year of eating out). Most menus are at least 85% unedible for me and once I realized that i had no choice but to start cooking for myself ALL the time.

Old favorites that I may just take to the grave:
peanut butter, occasional bread and butter (coconut oil instead if possible, chips and salsa, sardines and canned shellfish (bike tour protein treats), pan popped popcorn with braggs soysauce and nutritional yeast or salt

Old favorites that I had to give up to stay out of the grave:
chocolate milk, pizza!, pop tarts, froot loops, donuts, too many desserts, ice cream!!, chili cheese dogs, bacon!

I stopped labeling the category of eater I am recently and merely say I eat what makes me feel good. I try and fast/detox once a year as a gift to myself and the results have been always positive and enlightening. Eating too much keeps me from stretching well, and stretching well makes me vibrate bright and stay light, so I try not to eat too much,,,,I heard it in a Rumi verse once that we are like lutes (flutes) played by the wind and if we are full, the sound is dull and barely audible, but if we are empty it is the sweet song of god whistling right through our entire being.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Me Tarzan

tarzan swung on vines to navigate the jungle getting where he was going.
vine to vine
add a touch of evolution and here i am navigating the right angle tangle of concrete (jungle).
pedal strokes
gauging distances, making endless calculation of successful timing in the march forward.
agility. awareness. stealth cunning derived from animal instinct.
tarzan avoids impact with the jungle floor and his tree brethren.
i avoid steel and rocks mostly, occasionally tree and belly button brethren.
and sistren!
by keeping our wits about us
by remaining spontaneous, flexible
never forgetting to enjoy forward momentum
wind in our hair
adrenaline vibrations
occasional flirts with disaster
we are the resource in our own experience.
possibilities endless.
for real.

Photos from recent journey

morning mashing, after the craziest wind i have ever experienced, later to find out tornadoes were devastating life just 50 miles away while i was literally being blown across the plantations with a tailwind that only made it comfortable to move forward...strange the way life works

north carolina ferry rainbow of pure delight...i swore i was on another planet, sitting in the midday sunshine on the top deck laughing uncontrollably at the beauty. the darker photo is tinted by my found, one-armed sunglasses that get used only on such special occasions

blasting past houston in gypsy fashion, faster than fast can imagine, my mind is a library mansion more infinite than life's passion

sedona arizona magic zone

the waves are there to be ridden no matter how big or small

Mama, Mama Gaia, Queen of the Wild Frontier

Friday, April 22, 2011

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

sugar truths

got a sweet tooth?

Cosmic Debris

  • I just rolled the cosmic dice across the country and was embraced by the LOVE of Mama Gaia like you may believe, I even had a dream where I nuzzled my face into the most blissful feeling of Mama Gaias soft dreadlocks, she didnt show me her face in the dream but I knew by the comfort she offered that it was her...I am quickly being filled in on the FACT that this "reality" is not as it seems, not even close...the only reality is LOVE, not money and infrastructure and manpower and shopping...we are evolving and NOW is such an exciting time to be alive and enjoying these blessings....LOVE!
  • As Bob said it: "com'we gon' chant down babylon one more time" the chanting he is talking about is simply existing on the LOVE vibration to bring light to what is really "real" which is simply the spirit manifested through a smile.
  • Pedaling a bike 80 miles a day through tornadoes and such for the past week gives me time to think which brings clarity which brightens my spirit which stimulates the pineal gland which is crucial for enhancing thirdeye movements...all our knowledge is innate so we must not make the mistake of seeking the within on the outside, because all we will end up with is literally "without"...I also have seriously considered that i might be channeling all this knowledge from an external celestial source, a Pleaideian family member perhaps...the motherships are gathering ; )

Friday, April 1, 2011

Breathe deep

Discussing the breath with fellow farmy Stardust the other day got me to thinking how amazing it is that the breath is the ultimate sustainer of life and probably the one we take most for granted. We can survive without food for a month, and water for almost a week, but without breath we would be dead in minutes...what is up with that? I have been hearing about the breath alot recently which I take to mean that NOW is the time to explore it. As cosmic luck would have it, Stardust taught me a deep breathing technique that fills the lungs from bottom up, belly to middle to upper chest, and then release the breath from top to bottom. So yesterday I awoke early as the rooster call begins about that time right outside my tent! (in a sleepy state I picture a minefield that blows the roosters up halfway thru their wakeup call...but then how would we have delicious eggs?). I welcomed the rising sun with a headstand, it was my first texas sunrise. And then I retreated back to the wonderful solitude of my tent and sat cross legged and started breathing the new way I was taught. I kid you not, within a few conscious, deep breaths I was allowing more air to pass through me then ever before in my entire life...it was vibrating the whole of my being and became easier and more fulfilling. I felt like I had a huge balloon chest! So I let random thoughts go and kept on with the breaths, I started to get tingly all over, especially my head and my hands and fingers, and then I felt light as a balloon and space suddenly seemed vast, like there were no boundaries of the tent wall right there, infinity lay right before me. I kept with the breath, even though the mind's voice was totally amazed at what it was experiencing. Just when my vibration was glowing bright, a mockingbird landed in the tree above me and just started running the gauntlet of every birdcall imaginable, like a sampler platter of song right there above me! At this point a huge smile gripped my face and a feeling of universal love filled my whole being. Laughter without laughing, just a smile that reached ear to ear and would not, could not subside. Behold the mighty breath! Our real, live, connection to the entire universe. I know this wasn't beginners luck but truly a breakthrough in my evolution, which is unavoidable really, since the universe is expanding at insanely rapid rates. I am grateful to be caught up in the flow of the cosmic race (the opposite would be the "virtual reality" rat race which plague its participants with shallow, anxiety ridden breaths, and the impending doom concept of linear time...time is an endless cycle with no beginning and no end!) towards universal enlightenment. There is no denying these changes happening in all of us at this moment in history, we MUST be present for them, and the gateway lies in the breath. JUST BREATHE, and smile too!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Let the beauty we love be what we do...

The energy where I am is flowing really well these days. Wednesday was Waynesday so I went to help out at Wayne's farm just down the road. Most of the day was spent planting 150 or so cucumber seeds inside the circle of pea starts that got a head start on the cukes. Bamboo cone trellises were already in place and will serve as a guide on the plants' quest to reach great heights. I got some quality sunburn on my back from going shirtless for apparently too long but it was a good way to welcome spring and the impending sunbake that I will receive in coming months. Wayne is just pure Texan love and his farm shows it. He is a 5th generation farmer, diagnosed with melanoma on his forearms at age 29 due to pesticide exposure in the fields. This lit a fire under his ass to switch to organic production, as well as a healthier organic diet and he completely beat the cancer and is now smiling away into his 40s. Wayne is a large man with a huge heart and to hear him laugh as he walks along telling you what is planted here and there and how excited he is about this and that while his motley looking pack of 8 dogs follow him around, panting like hot Texas sundogs. Wayne is as integral to his farm as the water the plants drink, he is part of the beautiful cycle of man cultivating land cultivating love cultivating eternal youth. A real inspiration and a wealth of knowledge: veggies galore, asparagus that is sweet and juicy, the largest organic hay production in Texas, drying and preserving produce for tasty treats down the road, how to live with minimal stress and stay positive and upbeat getting things done constantly. I am excited to go stay at Wayne's next week for a few days as there is much to be done dirt and brain picking. Back at the SHIRE meals and laughs were being shared as usual, posters and stencils for shirts are being made for Saturday's anti-GMO rally, my phone found a charger so it has a full battery again, goats were chased back into the pen after making a stealthy unnoticed escape, a massive sky full of shining sun and glittering stars is gazed upon and appreciated by all, Nova's banzai tree is slowly being loved back to life...
One interesting occurrence worth noting is that a new visitor, Monica, who arrived yesterday, is reading Travels With Charley, as am I, and when this was discovered she went and got her copy to see how far along we both were and as cosmic luck would have it we were both on page 80! except her book was laid open on 80 although she was actually up to 114 or so. Funniest of all is we have been very extremely casually reading these books, dipping in here and there for a dose of Steinbeck, and here we cross paths in Texas, she from Florida, I from California, same book, different version, facts uncovered unexplainably. Does it mean anything?
Does anything mean anything?
In this everthickening web of cause and effect, I have found it is best to keep explanations minimal, and live simply knowing I am right where I am supposed to be at all times, expereiencing the only experience that I can. The synchronicities get looked at like juicy attention grabbing one-liners in a storybook (popup book perhaps) and just make me want to keep reading.

Monday, March 21, 2011


40 miles of pedaling and 750 or so of hitched rides, 3 in pickup trucks and one Saab, stories shared and roadside scenes left me in Austin on a Saturday night/full moon/silent disco in the enchanted forest on the eve of my lovewarrior sister Nova's birthday. The Saab ride provider (of about 400 miles!) was a ski bum from Vail on his way home in south Texas but decided to stay for the party as well. Sweet divine timing in this episode. After howling at the moon surrounded by people of the light we headed back to the SHIRE (sustainable habitat incorporating renewable education) where I will contribute to the glow in any way possible for the coming week. Today I had time to stretch out, read Travels with Charley (Steinbeck), help make a GM NO! stencil for Saturday's anti-monsanto rally, get rowdy with the dogs, talk with the goats, helped bake eight delicious fluffy loaves of love bread, drink 10 cups of ginger/honey/elderberry/jasmine tea, enjoy many birdsongs, listen and share in assorted conversations varying in level of seriousness, and just be smiley little young me. The energy of this place is comforting to me, it is light. The breeze blows warm and makes this southern sojourn refreshing in feel. Slow is the new hurry. Real human connection replaces projected image illusions. Help everyone else is the new help yourself. Tomorrow will allow me many beautiful opportunities again, one being a sushi blessing that I will orchestrate to put smiles on faces and ital-vital in bellies, and perhaps a jaunt to Austin for a Share Knowledge session, who knows? One might say I am really getting my money's worth (if money was worth anything), but I know I am receiving blessings of far greter value/

Friday, March 18, 2011

Back on the road

Currently sitting in a handbuilt adobe palace outside Santa Fe, NM. Back on the road after a brief attempt (again) at finding a "routine scene" to be a part of. the routine scene, you know, job job job and some socializing and being seen in the scene, know what I mean? Well that kind of dream supports a different kind of green than I'd like to support, see, the frogskin world has people caught up in this tornado of illusion as to what is necessity. The only thing you NEED to carry in this world is respect. I carry it, and I get taken care of. The house I am in belongs to someone I have known for 20 minutes of my life (through couchsurfing.org) but the respectful, loving intent of a human is picked up on by those who possess it, so here I am. Mi casa es su casa es todos casas. Today I will begin the hitch pedal to get to Austin, TX 700 miles away. I do not know where I will sleep tonight and that is alright, I carry respect. Yesterday when I woke up to the Arizona desert sun slowly warming me I did not know Id be sleeping sound perched in the loft of the adobe palace. I also did not know I would get to jam for 20 minutes in a badass African drum and dance class in Albuquerque. A craigslist rider we picked up in Flagstaff was trained in this amazing art and gave us a glimpse into her world. Although it was a brief glimpse it was heartfelt to see raw passion. These women were dancing their hearts out, and I was just pounding away on the drum keeping the beat as good as I could, just feeding off the amazing vibration that was afloat in the room. Whether its snowboarding, or bicycling or dancing or sitting on the corner waiting for no one (Ginsburg), when there is passion and stoke involved, it is all really the same. It is all in our hearts, the respect and the passion. Many would say it is all in your head, which it kinda is, if you want to get all zen about it, but the electricity is strongest in the heart and there is no denying this. Carry respect and gratitude for each passionate heartbeat and all will always be all right.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Love Vibration

LOVE is on the rise

“When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace.”

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thoreau foryo

Henry David Thoreau believed that technology was counterproductive because it served as a distraction from the important questions of life.
He wrote in Walden:
"Our inventions are wont to be pretty toys, which distract our attention from serious things... We are in great haste to construct a magnetic telegraph from Maine to Texas; but Maine and Texas, it may be, have nothing important to communicate."

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How to be free, by me

A friend asked me to tell her everything i knew about happiness and fulfillment in life:

in a nutshell: we were born free, natural humans, natural: non synthetic, of nature, perfect as we are, spiritual beings having a human experience. try and think of ancient, tribal humans, no frogskin money or wal mart, just dirt and trees and rivers and birds and the SUN, o glorious sun! but then here is this society structure in the here and now that we are taking part in so, i guess we gotta play the game right? make money to survive, feed ourselves and achieve material enjoyment, etc....intention underlies EVERYTHING..picture it like a simple math equation. good + intention = good life OR bad + intention = shitty complicated life battling the ego...so then there is the ego which projects these images that we consider reality, and there is the beautiful spirit which floats in space happy as is....the current situation leaves most of us in an ego centered battle of me me me, mine mine mine, LET GO OF THAT! SERIOUSLY, its like a blind tailless dog chasing its tail, thinking it has one but there is nothing there to ever catch, ya dig? belief in magic is imperative, i say this because I am currently living proof that anyone can manifest their destiny through simple pure intention, objectivity (not projecting your beliefs onto anyone else, even through a casual glance). Let me also say that this has taken time, because the ego is sneaky and its concept of necessity, although an illusion, a complete illusion, an absolute crazy magic trick in itself, had me chasing my invisible tail more or less since birth and it took cosmic forces beyond my control and about 26 years on the gregorian calendar to start realizing, and now looking back i realize that there were signs all my life (both my greek grandparents names directly translate to FREEDOM, tripout!) just waiting, trying to steer me on the spirit path. check it: this money based illusion that most of the modern world is caught up in is SOMEONE ELSE'S DREAM...most people are living somebody elses dream! It is just a guess but this someone else was probably from the evil spirit realm, because apparently that exists as well but only if you think it, without the thought of something, it cannot exist, think about it, or DON'T....thats where intention comes in to rule the universe, think it and it becomes, dont think it and it vanishes. that being said, the greatest sound advice i was ever given on this path is: life is a string of moments. fear and love are the basic underlying factors that motivate us/ the universe. Fear and love CANNOT exist in the same moment, impossible. therefore, if we live from moment to moment, PRESENT in the glorious here and now, and choose love in each, then voial, presto change-o, alacadabra alakazam! the truth will unfold quite beautifully right before our very third-eye. Any excuses you may have made against what I have said are FEAR based, shakem off quick and keep moving on the path of LOVE and LIGHT and all will be well. simple. Another amazing piece of advice that you and I have been hearing all our lives is "nothing is as it seems" or as Tolkien put it, "not all that glitters is gold"...il just let you think about that one. LOVE

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Don't walk away in silence

The truth seems to be picking up speed faster and faster these days, irrelevant falsehoods that many are programmed to live by are becoming more and more transparent. 'Run from false remedies that dilute your energy, keep it rich and musky' is what Rumi said 400 years ago. Today I am keeping it musky for sure, staying light so the sweet tune of god/love may pass right through me enveloping my soul (which was given to me for free; everything else at a price) so that I may not walk away in silence. Love spreads like wild fire and you better believe that I'm a hunk a hunk of burning love!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Stay Light!

Light Light Light
Light vs. Dark
Light vs. Heavy
Light Light Light Light Light Light
Light Light Light Light Light Light
Lightbeing emit beam glow
Lightbody shine flash ray
Lighthouse star bright shed
Lightbox sunlight!

The sun is always light!
Always giving light to us!
Even by bouncing it off the moon!
The sun must have created the moon so it could
provide light for the entire planet as much as possible.
Craziest of all, the sun gives us all this light and
does not ask for anything in return!
What a deal!

Follow the example of the sun and
stay light!

Calm Waters

I am the calm waters amidst a sea of chaos.
Not the perfect kind of cosmic chaos
but the kind of disorder that arises from millions of people all trying so hard to establish their egos on a permashook etch-a-sketch through a predictable, ordered life.Cosmic chaos cannot be trapped, tame, caged, buttoned up or down, ordered.
They say, "tis the season for giving" but many of the ego creatures just keep doing what they have been programmed to do; they take and take and take for their own perceived progress, blinded by materialism.
Progress, however, can only be achieved by giving.
The natives proved it for thousands of years through their culture of free giving.
Living off the land, taking from it but understanding the balance that must be achieved by giving back equally.
Giving without any concept of charity even.
No concept that, "because I gave, I will surely receive..."
That is an equation for a failed system.
Give until it hurts.
The natives did it.
Once they had given everything but the buffalo skins on their backs, other members of the tribe took notice and would start the cycle of giving once again.
What happens in such a situation in 2010?
Those with nothing stay with nothing because they are perceived as nothing.
No things perceived as no wealth.
I say: No things =FREE! = wealthy beyond measure

December 13, 2010

Sitting in my new blue room in South Lake Tahoe. Winnie the Pooh is digging for honey on my wall while the Grateful Dead jam a jam in the kitchen. Typical scene you might find me in. The universe provided me with a comfy queen size bed which I spilled an entire liter of water onto yesterday. I finagled some milk crates and added an upside down snowboard deck to fashion a table that looks like T"""T. I have a windowsill to hold some miscellaneous items as well. My window looks right out onto the street/forest/neighborhood in the woods.
An interesting sounding bird came by yesterday. I did not catch a glimpse of her. I am sure she will be back with more messages and insight on the simple song life we live. The coyote packs wail crazy night tunes just a block away in a huge meadow that I have yet to venture out onto. It will be a full moon snowboot mission.
There is power in this lake and all around it. This entire area is a massive earthen stadium. The mountains provide the seating, up to full capacity in some instances, and the lake is the playing field, where all the action is, as still as a feather laying in an empty nest. Teaching us a lesson on how patience cultivates wisdom. Absorbing each ray of light as it comes. Reflecting the blue that envelops us. The blue that we desire to "keep" for a bumper stickers sake.
Now is the time more than ever to learn from our natural surroundings.
Practice the same patience as the rocks and the trees and learn from them the same way the natives did for centuries.