A friend asked me to tell her everything i knew about happiness and fulfillment in life:
in a nutshell: we were born free, natural humans, natural: non synthetic, of nature, perfect as we are, spiritual beings having a human experience. try and think of ancient, tribal humans, no frogskin money or wal mart, just dirt and trees and rivers and birds and the SUN, o glorious sun! but then here is this society structure in the here and now that we are taking part in so, i guess we gotta play the game right? make money to survive, feed ourselves and achieve material enjoyment, etc....intention underlies EVERYTHING..picture it like a simple math equation. good + intention = good life OR bad + intention = shitty complicated life battling the ego...so then there is the ego which projects these images that we consider reality, and there is the beautiful spirit which floats in space happy as is....the current situation leaves most of us in an ego centered battle of me me me, mine mine mine, LET GO OF THAT! SERIOUSLY, its like a blind tailless dog chasing its tail, thinking it has one but there is nothing there to ever catch, ya dig? belief in magic is imperative, i say this because I am currently living proof that anyone can manifest their destiny through simple pure intention, objectivity (not projecting your beliefs onto anyone else, even through a casual glance). Let me also say that this has taken time, because the ego is sneaky and its concept of necessity, although an illusion, a complete illusion, an absolute crazy magic trick in itself, had me chasing my invisible tail more or less since birth and it took cosmic forces beyond my control and about 26 years on the gregorian calendar to start realizing, and now looking back i realize that there were signs all my life (both my greek grandparents names directly translate to FREEDOM, tripout!) just waiting, trying to steer me on the spirit path. check it: this money based illusion that most of the modern world is caught up in is SOMEONE ELSE'S DREAM...most people are living somebody elses dream! It is just a guess but this someone else was probably from the evil spirit realm, because apparently that exists as well but only if you think it, without the thought of something, it cannot exist, think about it, or DON'T....thats where intention comes in to rule the universe, think it and it becomes, dont think it and it vanishes. that being said, the greatest sound advice i was ever given on this path is: life is a string of moments. fear and love are the basic underlying factors that motivate us/ the universe. Fear and love CANNOT exist in the same moment, impossible. therefore, if we live from moment to moment, PRESENT in the glorious here and now, and choose love in each, then voial, presto change-o, alacadabra alakazam! the truth will unfold quite beautifully right before our very third-eye. Any excuses you may have made against what I have said are FEAR based, shakem off quick and keep moving on the path of LOVE and LIGHT and all will be well. simple. Another amazing piece of advice that you and I have been hearing all our lives is "nothing is as it seems" or as Tolkien put it, "not all that glitters is gold"...il just let you think about that one. LOVE
Lovin it Christian! akin to a dolphin blast. Let's VIBRATE ~ Love