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Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Be the change you want.

"You must be the change you wish to see in the world"
I would like to see a world full of compassionate, selfless people so therefore I must initiate this change by being compassionate and selfless.

I know how you feel, having this new awareness and focus, and feeling in your heart that it is a powerful tool for the benefit of all, wanting to just shake your loved ones and scream, " Waaaake Up! This is how!"
I once thought this when i found my old beliefs (new at the time) about government and capitalism and healthy living etc. So i went around trying to convert everyone, and judging those who resisted as ignorant, as having something wrong with them, increasing my own suffering and wasting my energy.
And now with yet another set of beliefs and way of living for the benefit of others that same passion has arisen and i just want to go help everyone wake up to their true potential.
But what I realized is that i must practice changing myself first, and take little steps, just focusing on my family, and not compromising my practice for fear of judgment by old friends.
Keep it simple. Just be with your family and friends, doing what they want to do, observing yourself and observing them. Do whatever you can to be there for them in times of need. If situations that test you arise, be strong, but do not provoke those situations, as that will just create confusion and suffering. Stay calm and observant and let your wisdom grow until you are sure of the right things to say to people and understand why they act the way they act.

Also gratitude. Be grateful for the tools you have to make the world a bit brighter each day. We are blessed for all that we have to share!

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