It is easy to harbor many resentments for the evil motivations in our modern times but that only fuels the fire. Positive energy spreads just as rapidly. This whole "green/eco" revolution has slowly been taking over, and, although it may seem like a fad in many places, people are at least being woken up to issues that affect us worldwide. Recycling programs, hybrid cars, yoga, acupuncture, fake meat veggie restaurants, paperless banking, sustainable business practices and LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) certification, me finally signing up for Greenpeace because I give a damn, celebrity (whatever the godawful tarnated po-tatered silly meaning of that word is) support, the rapidfire spread of information in the touch-me-touch-you touchscreen age is the little snowball rolling down the hill.
This is the era of the digital flower children!
I am constantly seeing peace signs everywhere on clothing. The energy is swirling. Slowly swirling. Like the dust particles that swirled to form the cosmos in the "beginningless past" (Kerouac reference).
Even the standard concrete brick hotel I'm staying in has a sign next to both sinks that says: PLEASE. Help us conserve water. (picture of a water droplet with a globe inside) Your assistance in helping us to conserve this precious resource is greatly appreciated.
I was pleased to find a copy of "The Teaching of Buddha" in the drawer next to the Bible (yuck) in the same hotel. This really confirms my belief in this new awakening...a perfect metaphor...Buddhism coming in for the takeover. Silly Catholicism, you are just not good enough simply because your whole basis is on being "good enough" instead of just plain "good". The first page of the Buddha book talks about the Wheel of Dharma, whose eight spokes represent the Noble Eightfold Path of Buddhism, the most important Way of Practice: right view - right thought - right speech - right behavior - right livelihood - right effort - right mindfulness - and right meditation.
The bare essentials of Buddhism are to do no evil, cultivate good, and purify one's mind. These are my own keys to happiness through a simple life.
In a pessimistic way this new age could be called the "organic manic panic" BUT it is at least spreading consciousness to the next generation of thinkers. The day I see fast food demolition party invites on Facebook will be the real turning point. Now we just wait for a few good'ol natural disasters for some population control, which is a sheer necessity, and a wide-eyed reality in which I hope I am in the right place at the right time with all my loved ones.
"Hatreds never cease by hatreds in this world. By LOVE alone they cease. This is an ancient Law"
-The Teaching of Buddha
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