First, I'd like to thank Elijah for sending me this book.
Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek is a powerful account of the lost language of the human heart and how we, as human beings, are capable of much more than we think. Many of the instances seem quite fantastic, having a lot to do with telepathy, higher consciousness, and real superpowers. The author also teaches step by step how, through meditation, you can speak using the language of the heart.
I highly recommend reading this book, especially if you have found life's little coincidences and funny feelings to be too strange for words. I have a free copy for you if you email
I emphasized that our thoughts and emotions can create the world around us and that by staying connected to Mother Earth within the heart, all things were possible—even cleaning the environment with only the human lightbody.
Aboriginals : They told me how Mother Earth provided everything to them without their having to struggle, that the world was just light and that human consciousness was more than whites usually understand. (They consider us a mutation of their consciousness, just babies who are still learning about the outer world.)
Maori: we, members of modern civilization, needed to remember the old wisdom to survive. He said clearly that there were forms of communication that, if remembered, would change everything in the world. And so the conversation drifted to his ordinary experiences in the States since his arrival. He thought this was an unusual place to live. He felt we were too far removed from nature and reality, and TV heconsidered to be "mind masturbation."
Life and human potential are so much greater than most people accept. Only when the heart of humankind opens again will we remember the language and be reconnected—not only among ourselves and with the animals, but to all life everywhere.
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