Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Rainy day Rumi-nation
Don’t try to see through the distances.
That’s not for human beings.
Move within, but don’t move the way fear makes you move.
Today, like every other day, we wake up empty & frightened.
Don’t open the door to the study and begin reading.
Take down a musical instrument.
Let the beauty we love be what we do.
There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground.
-- Rumi
email to my mom
found old poem
Go lower to see higher.
Reach deeper to inspire.
The top is only near
when the bottom is seen clear.
"Living in the Heart" excerpts
First, I'd like to thank Elijah for sending me this book.
Living in the Heart by Drunvalo Melchizedek is a powerful account of the lost language of the human heart and how we, as human beings, are capable of much more than we think. Many of the instances seem quite fantastic, having a lot to do with telepathy, higher consciousness, and real superpowers. The author also teaches step by step how, through meditation, you can speak using the language of the heart.
I highly recommend reading this book, especially if you have found life's little coincidences and funny feelings to be too strange for words. I have a free copy for you if you email
I emphasized that our thoughts and emotions can create the world around us and that by staying connected to Mother Earth within the heart, all things were possible—even cleaning the environment with only the human lightbody.
Aboriginals : They told me how Mother Earth provided everything to them without their having to struggle, that the world was just light and that human consciousness was more than whites usually understand. (They consider us a mutation of their consciousness, just babies who are still learning about the outer world.)
Maori: we, members of modern civilization, needed to remember the old wisdom to survive. He said clearly that there were forms of communication that, if remembered, would change everything in the world. And so the conversation drifted to his ordinary experiences in the States since his arrival. He thought this was an unusual place to live. He felt we were too far removed from nature and reality, and TV heconsidered to be "mind masturbation."
Life and human potential are so much greater than most people accept. Only when the heart of humankind opens again will we remember the language and be reconnected—not only among ourselves and with the animals, but to all life everywhere.
Monday, April 26, 2010
It is not easy to give a short answer to this question that includes all the aspects of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo. Here are two answers. It is the title and the heart of the Lotus Sutra, and it is the Law that explains the workings of life.
The Lotus Sutra
The Buddhist teaching which explains that everyone has the same potential as the Buddha is the Lotus Sutra ('sutra' means 'teaching'). The Lotus Sutra was originally recorded in Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit, entitled Saddharma-Pundarika-Sutra. As the teachings of Buddhism spread they were translated into the languages of the cultures they travelled to. The Lotus Sutra was translated into Chinese, and when it reached Japan it was known as Myoho-Renge-Kyo. The title of a sutra was considered to encapsulate the teaching it contained. It was also the practice to place the Sanskrit word Nam (or, 'devotion') before the names of Buddhist teachings or characters in order to praise them.
Nichiren Daishonin taught that the act of praising the Lotus Sutra would enable the qualities of the Buddha, the reservoir, inherent in our lives to emerge. Therefore he placed the word 'Nam' in front of the title of the Lotus Sutra, Myoho-renge-kyo. This appears very simple; but the practice itself is very profound.
The Law of life
As we consider each of the constituent parts of Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, we start to sense its profundity. Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is referred to as the 'Law of life'. Although it is just six syllables, each signifies profound truths that go to the heart of the universe, the issue of life and death, and the law of cause and effect.
'Nam' is an action word. The act of praising our potential will make it emerge. 'Nam' is the word that turns this principle from a theory into a reality. The Lotus Sutra, although profound, is merely a teaching. But Nam-myoho-renge-kyo is a practice that will have actual results. The literal meaning of the word 'Nam' is 'respect' or 'dedication' - so the whole phrase has the simple meaning of 'devotion to the Mystic Law of the Lotus Sutra'.
'Myoho' explains at least two major principles of life: the relationship between life and death, and the relationship between our most enlightened, or Buddha, state and all our other nine conditions or states of life. The 'ten states of life' or 'ten worlds' will be covered in a future part of this series.
How do the teachings of Buddhism view the relationship between life and death? We all have a birthday. That is, quite simply, the day when we emerged into the world as a baby. We also have some idea of what was happening to us in the nine or so months before we emerged from the womb. Before that, however, other than the knowledge that a sperm and an egg came together at a particular moment, things are not so clear. Biologists cannot give definitive answers as to where or what our consciousness was before conception and philosophers have also struggled to explain this. Buddhism teaches that all our constituent parts, not just physical ones, but mental and spiritual as well, existed in a state of latency, waiting for the right conditions to emerge before we could start the process of being born after conception. Before conception, we are latent, or 'myo'. This means that our life energy is waiting for the necessary circumstances before it can take on a physical form. 'Ho', which means law, or phenomena, describes the manifest state and particularly the emergence of the new-born baby into the world. We remain alive - manifest - until the point when, for whatever reason, our bodies can no longer support our lives. The body dies, and the constituent parts separate. At this point we cease to be 'ho' and return once more to the latent state of 'myo'.
Buddhism teaches that life is a cycle. We emerge from 'myo', become 'ho' and return to 'myo' again. This rhythm continues forever. The cycle of the seasons echoes this process. We see new growth in spring, maturity in summer, harvest and decline in autumn before a period of apparently bleak withdrawal in winter. But winter never fails to turn into spring once more, and the cycle starts again. We feel our Buddhahood at work because our chanting has caused it to appear according to another fundamental life principle: 'renge', which is about how the effect exists simultaneously with the cause.
This literally means lotus flower. The lotus flower rests on the surface of the pond, its roots going deep into the water and drawing on the nutrients it finds in the mud at the bottom. This image of the lotus flower also means that the Buddha is not a perfect being, detached from the realities of life, either in a monastery or in some other, unearthly realm. Rather, the Buddha is an aspect of our own lives which we can draw upon. It is because of the trials and tribulations of real, everyday life in this world that the Buddha's qualities can be revealed. 'Renge' signifies the process of cause and effect at work deep within the life of each person. (The topic of cause and effect will be covered in a future part of this series.)
The word 'kyo' literally means 'sutra', or teaching. It is the vibration of our voice which is so important in our Buddhist practice. It is said the voice does the Buddha's work (2). This is why we chant Nam-myoho-renge-kyo aloud, rather than performing a silent meditation. 'Kyo' is the interconnectedness of all phenomena; and how our prayer or the sound of our chanting can affect people and situations out of our immediate sphere.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Close my eyes, float upstream
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Shocking excerpt!
This was taken from It is absurd and shocking and leaves my whole state of being in paralyzed disbelief that the corrupt money hungry whores of America do not give a FUCK about human happiness"
"The American worker is screwed over every step of the way, and it all starts with the explosion in the cost of a college education. This is one of the Economic Elite’s most devastating weapons. To have any chance of succeeding in this economy, it is commonly believed that you must attend the best college possible. With the rising costs involved, today’s students are graduating with record levels of debt from student loans. At the same time, the unemployment rate among recent college graduates has risen higher than the national average, and those who do find work are making significantly less than they expected to make. This combination of extreme debt and reduced pay has crippled an entire generation right from the start and has put them in a vicious cycle of spiraling debt that they will struggle with for the rest of their lives. The most recent college graduates are now known as a “lost generation.”
The American dream has turned into a nightmare. The economic system is a sophisticated prison cell; the indentured servant is now an indebted wage slave; whips and chains have evolved into debts.
“There are two ways to conquer and enslave a nation. One is by sword. The other is by debt.”
– John Adams"
More Rumi
Rumi poem
Monday, April 19, 2010
The Obama Deception HQ Full length version
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Conscious click
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Steps towards the awakening
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Magical Mystery Tour 2010
There was a small earthquake after I was ten seconds into the airport. I felt a dizzy spell come on all of a sudden, legs all wobbly for a few seconds. I was in my catnap zone bubble all blankminded before a to-be-and-already-is-incredible adventure but finally noticed that beyond my zone other people were wobbling in their zones as well. Cool! an earthquake in good ‘ol southern Ca-li-for-nia.
A tense nervous rush came over the travelers like a wave, killing my Mother-Nature buzzzz. I envisioned the apocalypse - this was just the warning tremor – terror…what would concrete feel like in the splittled vittle of a second that it takes to phwwock me into oblivion? My soul would feel a pinch off that one even.
Out of harm’s way on the sunsoaked pavement I regained my feline state and beamed rays with a grin that was still waiting for the master quake. My subtle-technicolor hoodie (deep hood for maximum incognito) baked my chest to an ethereal wombwarmth with the help of the sun.
The airport was a buzz again within a few minutes because we are livin’ in an era of efficiency gosh darnit! Efficiency as in they use one desk agent to handle two customers at once since everything is done digitally on a kiosk and the desk agent is merely the preschool teacher showing you how to put the round peg in the round hole. I do not enjoy saying "yes" with my pointer finger at the lower bottom right of my screen. And what if I want to say "yes" with a purple star instead of a green pill? I felt uneasy knowing that I could handle this much faster manually.
Now I am jammin’ (no pun intended) to Bob Marley’s “Brain Washing” off the African Herbsman album off my iTunes off my laptop on my very free, very technologically advanced large pink and glo-green headphones the universe handed to me.
How simple is listening to the morning birds by the creek with head in the grass and in the clouds?
Speaking of brain washing, what is all this electromagnetic radiation doing to me?
Natural and synthetic are two vastly different energies. My life thrives in the natural. This I know. I am a descendant of cats, and dusty road wanderers, men of ancient wisdom, breathers of the freshest air and purest thoughts. Synthetic nature is only really a part of the last three generations and currently growing at heart attack rates of nuclear speed.
I sit here knowing that I have consciously decided to become intertwined in mostly synthetic nature for the next year. After almost a year of wonderous wanderings I will be a tiny cog in machine once again. The obvious motivation being money, and the desire to eventually exist with permanence in natural nature – pure. Sadly, it is money that is my means to a simple life (ha!).
A wise Uruguayan man once told me, “Sometimes you have to play the game.” Here I am, stepping onto the playing field. Luckily, I follow a different set of rules.
Purezenflow is almighty.
I intend to keep nature within my spirit, for I AM NATURE.
So therefore,
I hope to examine the nature of my spirit from within, while projecting it into the synthetic realm for the mutual benefit of celestial balance. Games are meant to be fun, after all.
I am blessed. This I know.
The blessing merely flows through me and back into the cycle. I carry this blessing consciously and use it as protection from involuntary energy battles with the unconscious. And now, on with the Magical Mystery Tour of 2010. . .
Random poem
Mad hattin’ adventures
Until we’re chit chattin’in dentures
Whisked away in a wild whirlwind
Heart beating like a child’s in a boy-to-girl grin
Alive, to say the least,
Complete polar opposite of deceased
Plush and proper fit, puzzle pieced