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Tuesday, September 29, 2009


I'm a dreamer, day and night dreams. I could sit somewhere, anywhere really, and comfortably stare into space for Guinness Book amounts of time. Often I ponder the "what ifs", but not too seriously of course. Why bother doing anything seriously besides breathing? Sometimes the weirder area (which spans quite a large section) of my mental takes over and really gets, well, weird. My imagination knows no limits. I think about other people's lives, where they have been and where they are going, if they are stressed or happy or if their face naturally conveys those expressions. I imagine people pooping, because everyone poos, even the queen of England sits and strains after a big greasy meal. Old people and babies have the worst smelling poo I think. I heard my grandmother taking a poo in her eighties once, and I will never forget that sound as long as I live, the smell sticks to my mind even more. But enough about poo, what about being the random people I only catch a glimpse of as I pass by in a car or train, or they pass by in a car or train and we stare deep into eachothers souls and cause time to snail crawl for one fraction of a millifraction of history...who are they, would we be friends or enemies, how long have they been awake today, do they eat meat, where did they grow up, what does their voice sound like, what is there biggest insecurity, are their hands rough or smooth. There was this kid in my elementary school who had really rough hands and bad breath all the time. Rough like wrinkly and withered rough. Morning breath type stink, always. What caused that? What do my hands feel like? Does my breath ever stink like that besides in the morning? Why does bad breath even matter? What makes a smell "bad"? A garbage man couldn't tell you. A little kid in India walking on the trash piles in Mumbai (Bombay, whatever) couldn't tell you. I guess I think trash smells bad. What did people do before deodorant? I visited this farm recently that is a historical site now and the guide was telling us that they used to bathe only once a week. They would wash their face and forearms daily but thats it...when did somoeone decide it was better to wear perfume or cologne than to just let your natural odor run rampant? Interesting stuff I talk about with myself indeed...smelly stuff in this episode. My feet smell right now, so maybe that is subconsciously making me think of smells. How about physical pain? How much would it hurt to really get smashed by a heavy object moving at high velocity? Would I even have time to feel the pain...it must really suck to suffer before dying. When I get old just pull my plug WHEN I SAY SO, got it? Why do different parts of the day feel different? Why do I feel silly typing a blog? I miss my bicycle. Its been too long since I have seen it, let alone ridden it. Snowboarding is fun and I am good at it which makes it twice as fun. It is the only thing tangible that I am good at, the other thing I quite excel at is daydreaming!

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