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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Full time living

Full time living.
Living life is like a full time job, fuller than full. If we can see it as such, then any job we have in our life becomes a part of living instead of separate from it.
We often hear terms like "social life" "family life" and "work life" which creates segregation and makes it seem as if one person is living multiple lives.
The result of this makes people act differently depending on which life they are in, so then how can someone ever come to know themselves?
Some people might think they should not have to do anything resembling work if they are not at work, or they are not allowed to be playful with their coworkers as they are with their children. I have often heard, "i just don't have the time to...because I am at work all day and get home late and am very tired."
This kind of practice prohibits renewal of ones beliefs (asking "why do I live this way? who am I living for?") and leads to being stuck in certain ways. Life is everchanging and we would be best advised to flow with it, instead of becoming stuck.
I remember how my mother would get if she felt like she was doing all the housework, and would get emotional and say "I work really hard everyday and I deserve a little help around here/should not have to do so much housework after a long day at the office"
She has every right to ask her family for help, but as we know, getting emotional effects others just as much as it effects us.
Emotional blinding keeps people from the realization that they chose everything they burden themselves with and the power of acceptance to help them deal with everything as it comes, thus lessening this treacherous feeling of burden.
With my new understanding of karma, I realize that hard work really does pay off, like a sales job where the harder you work the more you gain. This payoff is then sure to motivate continued hard work. The same hindrances will appear no matter what form of life we are in so just because there is no boss looking over our shoulder at home does not mean the karmic impact of our actions is any different. I think most people are living life at minimum wage standards, simply maintaining existence without a clear idea of what they are living for, And this creates more work for others who live with an awareness of the responsibility of being human. Luckily, the ones with a blessed awareness of their Divine Nature are accepting of this extra load and happy to help others to awaken.
We are very much a monkey see monkey do species, learning from our parents and surrounding environments, so when selfishness, both subtle and extreme, is prevalent, we accept it as the norm, thinking, "life must be about living for me, increasing my comfort zone, learning for the sole purpose of progressing my self".. And progression in today's modern system is mostly measured by your individiual material gain. This creates competition and a survival-of-the-fittest attitude. I believe one of the factors contributing to global warming is a rise in peoples body temperatures as a result of increased stress and overthinking...there was alot less taking place in the human mind just centuries ago.. .it is a pattern that has taken hold of greater humanity, and oftentimes, deviations from this pattern: selflessness, deep spiritual beliefs, a disinterest in the "norm"* raises eyebrows and seems strange.
I strongly believe that not everything is as it seems, and my path in this lifetime has shown me that there is something more powerful than the material world, that there MUST be a reason why us humans were put here, and why precious Life was created in the firstplace, WHAT is the other 92% of our brain doing? A human's mental capAcity is as limitless as the sky above our heads, and I think it is no coincidence that both inner and outer worlds (All) stretch infinitely in all directions.
Talk about intelligent design!
If we can imagine heaven we can surely create it, just like when we were children, and our imaginations swore to us that what we were thinking WAS real. We are all connected, so when one person breaks out of old selfish patterned living and creates a strong link in the Divine web, Light can only flourish from then on. We were given thought and we were given choice, and I think it is safe to say our Designer wanted to paint a beautiful picture.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


My monkey mind was holding onto fear and doubt alot this past week.
I have been home for almost three weeks now and got 5 days of work immediately which was good and occupied my time and got me excited to get more work ( I usually do event/promotional work which means i have to keep finding it ) but then I havent found anything more even though i have been applying for so many gigs and random jobs through a website here that makes that possible.
So It has been ten days now with no work, and in those days I had alot of down time where i found myself stuck in my head: fear of the future, fear of the ways of the Matrix and how everyone I know has had a head start and are comfortable with jobs and money while I was out wandering around like a little kid, doubting my abilties in such a fast paced high tech city and ways that I am not accustomed to, wanting to move back to the mountains, wanting to escape to comfort bla bla bla...
I could see my holding was so intense and it made me lazy at home, having to force myself to do what my parents needed doing. My sister and I did a cleanse with 5 days of no eating which made me make an excuse for being more sluggish.
I still knew the point, the clear water, but the murky particles were all gathering and moving around in the glass so much that i didnt have time to just appreciate the clear water.
One thing happened which really helped me though, and that was when my mom was being really emotional over an inheritance battle she is involved in with her brother, and she said how much she loves hearing mine and kat's voices and having us at home...that sorta made me kick myself real quick an think, "you idiot, you are here for them, that IS the point!" so the last two days have been much easier to just be in the moment and keep my siin (balanced mind) flowing, doing things for my parents and just switching the focus to NOT me.
The question I have from observing my weeks at home so far is this:
Does holding on too tightly to good feelings (when i found work immediately and just that general fresh start motivation I seem to get everytime I begin a new phase) give us more of a challenge when the good feeling is gone? Like the escalator example; If we start running as fast as we can up the down escalator, will we eventually have to stop to catch our breath and end up being brought past where we started running at? Does holding too strong to good or bad feelings switch the focus to ourself and make it more difficult to think of others?

Wanted: calmed minds

Think of this (ha no pun intended): if we cannot even control the thoughts and imagination of our mind, what makes us think* we can control anything? This idea confirms my belief in an enlightened state, where the mind is completely still, a void allowing the REAL (my best way of describing the true nature of things, opposite of this three D illusion) to come through crystal clear hi def divine satellite transmission....basically, I believe that the world needs more calm minds NOW!