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Thursday, September 30, 2010

The Web, Myself, and I

I just saw an advertisement plastered on the entire side wall of a store. The ad was for an internet cellphone (self-own) that said, in big white letters next to a big photo of a young, blossoming male hipster (ideal) next to photo of the screen that consumes his daily being, "The Web, Myself, and I."...think about it:
The Web Myself I
...implied as all being the same one thing. The internet is you, the internet is me, the internet is I. The internet was invented by humans and is continually evolved by humans who are, themselves, continually evolving. We live in a three dimensional multi sensory world. The computer screen is a two dimensional sight and sound square (at which we stare, and stare, and stare). We sacrifice one dimension and three whoooooole senses (taste, smell, and very importantly, touch) through the use of the internet.
That is a big deal.
Not only do we spend time on it during precious present moments, but we also spend time thinking about it , involuntarily at times merely because it is now a known part of our consciousness. Voluntarily using the Web as a "go to" for a solution to many of life's problems of varying degrees...just Google it. What would "just Google it" have meant a century ago?
Are we devolving thousands of years of genetics into a virtual world where you can only see and hear?
Back to "The Web, Myself and I."...it is further proof that the entire human race is simply one solitary consciousness.
This involves a bit of philosophometaphysical digging but think about it in terms of the entire current contents of the internet as being an apex in human evolution. By human, I mean the one "I". "I" spent thousands of years evolving its ideas into little clusters of cause-and-effect webs and then figured out a way to start connecting the webs many at a time and created a faster growth pattern that can never be stopped. After all, every idea is a by-product of the mind. Without the mind, what is there?
No mind = nothing.
One mind = everything. Whatever conceived this One Mind was obviously smart enough to not need the help of a second mind. Anyway, I reckon that today's web age is an apex in the one mind saga manifested through the evolution of life here on planet Earth (and the rest of the universe? Doubt it. Gotta leave room for higher powers, smarter powers that took a route more complex than the "world wide web.") Apex meaning highest point, meaning a change 'gon come. That is why now more than ever we must realize our potential as part of this great big "I" and start thinking differently...

In my own personal evolution I seem to be rewinding the tape of time, sort of debugging the ego of the bugs that were placed there by the effects of other egos during my developmental years, in order to revert back to my natural state when my spirit met my body through my first breath of fresh air out of the womb. Like chipping away at plaque on a tooth, ever so slowly, then taking a step back every so often and viwing the stages of the process and the varying styles of self that have brought me to this blessed present moment.
In Victoria recently, at a good friend of a good friend's house, I was flipping through the Tao Te Ching by wise old Lao Tzu.
It really stirred my mind like a golden bananaberry hempmilkshake. I realized how much more it resonated in my soul now than if I were to be reading it ten years ago (then, I woulda just thought, "cool. I wanna get high.")...I took these three lines with me and think of them often:
Embrace Simplicity,
Put Others First,
Desire Little...
ESPOFDL...If I was a wiso old Zen monk I would add, "smile often" @ the end of it!...
(to be continued)

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Recent Observations from the Bicycle Road

This is a list of the things that cross my mind more often than not recently; whether pedalling, loitering, gandering, or goosing (whatever the hell goosing is; new word!)
-Crows enjoy walking and hopping, perhaps to mock the silly humans that cannot fly, especially the slow moving large apelike ones
-Cows love chewing grass; It is all they do!
-Horses are not at all impressed by my horse impersonation (imhorsenation?)
-Nobody cares that it is raining on me...not even me!
-Roadkill comes in all shapes, sizes, and splatters; Animals turned inside out always provoke a vocal reaction from me...some just look like they are resting peacefully, with a little bloody trail coming out of their nose...others are flattened so much they have become 2-dimensional. I often imagine the moment they met their fate with a high speed hunk of heavy machinery. Immediately after the moment of impact, in that split split second between life and death when the entire world stops turning and is silent and the hit victim is airborn, its soul separating from its physical body...One day I would like to witness this phenomenon first hand. In fact I almost sort of did when I ran over an oppossum on my bicycle in San Diego...I went flying over the handlebars and it got wedged inbetween my front wheel and frame. That is a memory I will never forget!
-No better way than to welcome a new day than by smiling at it when you first see it.
-Raw honey, bee pollen, and water is the true breakfast of champions
-Log truck drivers are highly skilled navigators of the road and do not give eight and a half flying farks about my life.
-Civilised man is predictable in his material society
-Small talk is torture most of the time; can't we just get to the meat and potatoes of our souls?
-Bungee cords, rags, and work gloves are abundant on the side of the road.
-Going downhill no handed on a loaded touring bike will never get old.
-The sun, bright and warm, is one of the most divine free gifts I could ever ask for.
-Listening to a fat old man's bowel movement helps me stay on the path to NOT becoming a fat old man.
-People who are addicted to cigarettes bug me; People who are addicted to materialism bug me even more; and yet, I love them all the same.
-My heart yearns to be as small a part of this capitalist system as possible.
-A healthy synthesis of sound mind and strong body produces raw, natural power that is an incredible force to be reckoned with and an easy equation for happiness.
-I cannot get wet if there was never a concept of dry in the first place.
-If you continually give in to fear, it'll eventually git'ya.
-Patient objectivity leads to bliss and golden wisdom.
-Boredom = death
-What is really going on when I feel lonely?
-If I stay poor long enough, will I eventually become rich? If I ever become rich, will the ego inevitably suffer if I become poor again?
-If the chance of finding a full beer on the side of the road is a million to one, then, surely, I am close to finding the full one very soon.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Back in the USA!

Left Victoria after a wonderfilled 35 days in Canada, arrived to a dark, soggy Port Angeles. Ate 4 blueberry muffins and some peanut butter for dinner. Met 2 drunk kids who let me stay at the Vatican, on a couch in the garage where I fell into deep slumber after hearing crazy stories of the youth growing up in Port Angeles: dreams of skinny faced alien bear-men; getting drunk, peeing on someone else's parents' bed and laying in it; the legend of the kid who puked on everyone and everything; the quest of the young farmer to sell more salad mix by rubbing the nicotine from his fingers onto the lettuce to get the customers hooked.
Spent the next day pedaling 25 miles along the Olympic Discover trail, no cars, just me and the heaven scented woods slowly being consumed by autumn. On the way I received a message from Pete the Meat (a friend of a port Angeles friend) offering his place just out of Sequim for the night. I was planning on sleeping out but random acts of hospitality are more appreciated than you can imagine. I rolled up Chicken Coop Road to Pete's parents' humble abode on the hill, true Northwest style. We went for a drive up the mountain to catch the sunset and fire some fresh bullets out of Pete's new Glock. I had never fired a handgun but know I know why people love their guns so much. An explosion of fire-power right at your fingertips, leaves your ears ringing and a maniacal grin on your face..."more more MORE!" is what the little psychopath in me was saying. The stars appeared in the silent sky as a reminder that life is just as sweet without guns. We drove further up the mountain to the top at a vantage point where we could see the tungsten glow of Seattle and Victoria - - past, present, and future intertwined in one deep breath -- I slept like baby jesus on the night of his birth, with the entire cosmos resting softly on my eyelids, smiling.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Shamanic Way of the Bee

I read this book by Simon Buxton just recently in about 4 days because it kept blowing my mind so I kept reading. It is an account of the author's initiation/training on the Path of Pollen, the ancient order of beekepers that has kept its knowledge passed down orally for the last many thousands of years all over the world. Bees are foreal sacred and have infinite love and wisdom to share with us. They represent purity, integrity, and industry...and the products they produce, pollen, honey, and propolis are beyond are wildest dreams as to how nutritious and delicious they are. Think about it, a bee carries nectar from all kinds of flowers back to a hive and regurgitates it into ambrosia, nectar of the gods, life sustainer (a diet of bee pollen and water has been known to sustain life as well as giving divine wisdom to the dieter)...this may sound like a rant but do the research yourself...I have been using bee pollen for a few months now as a supplement and swear by it; energy, mental clarity, and actually thicker skin (perfect for skateboarders). Bees, man, bees.

"Truth, however, is no easy matter. It is complex, strange, and fluid. Open to question, a living thing. And yet, it is the place where we have to begin. And in the end it is all that remains...I have come to understand truth, specifically spiritual truth, can only be defined as that which one knows, without words, to be true. It is silent and requires no defense."

"Rarely do people ask death for advice regarding life, but whom better to ask?"

"I was knowingly human once again, back in the miraculous ilusion of stability we have learned to call reality."

"Because the bee is influenced most of all by cosmic forces, by communing with the bee, the entire cosmos can find its way into human beings, assisting them into stepping into who they truly are. Before they were told who they were meant to be by parents, schooling, and culture."


Another sunset?!
Yup, it's that good'ol golden
time of bliss again.

One month of Canadian adventure mashing.
Sitting now on a bench by the water as the sun sets over Victoria. The last of my stuff is drying out in Eliot's warm, dry apartment after the rainiest day I have experienced since that brain drencher on the Lost Coast in May of 2009.
I bike lurked aimlessly around downtown Victoria for the last few hours, coming up on a pile of clothes outside St. Vincent's from which I pilfered a vintage cream colored snap button vest and a longsleeve cotton shirt with Aztec-y designs on it "hecho en Guatemala." I might just use these articles temporarily but they will be a fresh addition to my very limited wardrobe. (Eliot also kicked me down an old Bahamas "King of Beaches" t-shirt that is dope.)
I gave my cannabis leaf belt away after a long haul of uselessness. It is now being worn by a beautiful street dwelling goddess who was genuinely stoked on it. (I could tell from her eyes...the eyes tell no lies!)
*Long pause to reflect and inhale the psychadelic sky scene unraveling -- wishing I was the color of sunset*
I also gave some loose change to another bike+trailer wanderer who had a cat on a leash name kittty who he gave undying affection to. I gave her some love as well, after all she is a close ancestor to my kin. nHe offered me a cigarette but I declined.
I had a short freestyle session with Mellow T who I saw from far away making rap-like gestures. He very seriously offered to sell me some crack. I declined. He had beats playing on his phone so we spit a bit, him taking a battle stance and calling me MC Granola (real original). It is all good in the Canadian rap game.
Everyone is frantically taking photos of the sunset like it is the last one they will ever see. Or maybe they have never seen one before; God forbid!
I thought of a good diet for people who want to lose alot of weight:
1. Discard entire wardrobe.
2. Buy all new clothes that are definitely too small, nothing too stretchy.
3. Either walk around naked or eat healthy and excercise until you lose enough weight to not look like you are not making a very awkward and uncomfortable fashion statement.

Now the lights are dimming but the backlit row of clouds on the horizon reminds me of the froth that forms on the tapioca pudding when my mom used to make it. I used to love that part when I was a child. It is mostly raw egg I think.
My new vest is quite handy, it keeps my core warm well which helps to keep my arms warm. My fingers are cold but such is usually the case.
I think I will pedal around a bit more, digging the metropolis scene...it has been 6 weeks since I have seen anything close to a city. It really awakens the New Yorker in me.
Rudy, my bike, thoroughly enjoys when he does not have my entire material life/survival gear weighing him down...you should see him accelerate! Like a Jehovah's Witness bat out of hell.
Speaking of which, yesterday, while I was loitering outside the Thrifty foods in Mill Bay eating peanut butter and carrots, a random cat with very dry skin told me he was letting a Jehovah's Witness stay at his place and she preached so much Jesus Christ to him that he got fed up and told her, "Jesus was not a real person! All he is is the space between the summer solstice and the winter solstice." This statement left me boggled but I am sure the J-Wit was even more dumbfounded. I smiled as I imagined her reaction. He did not elaborate any further on the matter and walked away without saying goodbye.