Saturday, May 29, 2010
Codex Alimentarius
Friday, May 28, 2010
pay attention here:
Thursday, May 27, 2010
divine info sent to me. . .
- Enjoy the bliss of your loving heart.
- Release your resistance and heal your self.
- Know you are part of everything and have everything.
- Recognize your connections with the invisible realms.
- Meditate, release and surrender to right understanding and a quiet mind.
- Honor your sacred self.
Today's breakfast gruel
Monday, May 17, 2010
here i am
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Equation for happiness
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Education Shmeducation
"Deeply embedded in the conventional wisdom is the idea that educating is mostly about making a living rather than making a life."
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Children of the New Millennium
Excerpt from the beginning of Children of the New Millennium (click for free download of ebook)
The truth is born
into the world
always seeking expression -
when we are taught:
not to communicate;
not to express;
not to speak;
and not to be heard so early in life.
We then learn at a very, very
early age,
to express
to speak
to be heard and
to communicate at a higher, deeper level;
we learn to communicate through the unspoken word and
At this level spirits seek union.
At this level One learns to listen;
at this level one learns to listen, feel,
speak, and be at one with nature and its beings.
... Susan Firth, Free Union, VA;
NDE at 2 in an accident, and
NDE at 6 from drowning.
This is what is on it and understand that you follow this spiritual inquisitive path for a reason, questioning the rigid, angular structure of society, feeling that your free-flowing spontaneous thinking and powerful third eye movements cannot and WILL NOT conform to such a linear and predetermined path.
This existence in a physical body is pure perception and we as INDIGO and CRYSTAL children have been chosen to control our perception for the benefit of humankind and the whole universe. BELIEVE IN LOVE, BE LOVE, BE UNIVERSAL DIVINE ONE-NESS....We are on our way my brothers and sisters, beautiful things are happening, picking up pace like a cosmic snowball rolling down the steep mountainside of celestial existence...
"The terms "Indigo" and "Crystal" were given to these two generations because they most accurately describe their aura colours and energy patterns. Indigo children have a lot of indigo blue in their auras. This is the colour of the 'third eye chakra', which is the energy center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions, and spirits. Many of the Indigo children are clairvoyant. The Crystal Children have opalescent auras, with beautiful multi-colours in pastel hues. This generation also shows a fascination for crystals and rocks......"
"Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to squash government, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination."
Monday, May 10, 2010
Adventures in Consciousness
ADVENTURES IN CONSCOUSNESS is 8 multi-dimensional galactic messages channeled and read by Aros Crystos and accompanied by meditative improvised melodies on didgeridoo, keyboards, percussion instruments, and beautiful chanting. All of these messages were recorded in one session with no production or editing and are astounding for the perfection of the original unedited tracks. This CD will serve you as a vehicle to live in the present with greater peace and clarity and an expanded consciousness. It provides guidelines from the galaxy on how to easily embrace the frequencies of unconditional love that will quiet your mind. You will experience deep relaxation through the connection with the divine self that transforms and elevates your consciousness.
The messages were received during the appearance of Hale Bopp over Maui in March of 1997. The comet Hale Bopp is, of course, not a comet. It's an interstellar information library. It is also an energy vehicle that is in direct contact with the highest order of light beings of the most supreme rank in the army of divine of light workers. Recorded live in Honolulu in 2000, the musicians improvised eight beautiful, meditative, metaphysical melodies to match the galactic and dolphin frequencies transmitted through Aros during his reading of eight messages. These remarkable messages help us all understand what is taking place within us and all around us right now.
Aros Crystos, aka Eros Christos, has been on the spiritual path most of his life. His vision is to help people rediscover their true nature as divine multi-dimensional beings. A prolific writer, designer and energetic healer, he uses his beautiful voice to generate healing sounds and activations to higher consciousness for the many people who've sought out his entirely unique and powerful vibrational energetic gift. His fascinating interviews and articles can be found on television, radio and in print.
His first novel, Time Is Promised To No One, published in 2005, shares beautiful esoteric teachings through the life of Charles Andrews. His CD, "Adventures in Consciousness" is a transformational message from the cosmos and powerful medicine for the awakened consciousness entering the next paragidm.
His first spiritual teacher was Elisabeth Haich in Zurich, well known for her classic book "Initiation." Through her mentoring he was led to understand his true mission. Aros was guided to leave Europe behind and come to the United States. He renounced his old life, trading high society in Europe for the longing to live in the experience of the truth all the time. This led him to his meditation teacher and mentor, Baba Muktananda, and Baba's successor Gurumayi.
For the next twenty years, Aros immersed himself in the study of sacred scriptures. He learned the most valuable lesson: that all religions and paths ultimately lead to the recognition that all is one divine consciousness and that the kingdom of heaven can truly be found within every one of us. All of this prepared him for his connection with the dolphins. He began to receive communications from the realm of the dolphins, leading him to spend years interacting with dolphins and whales in the open ocean in Hawai'i. At the same time, his galactic family began communicating with him again as when he was a child. Through these interactions, his multi-dimensional soul began to receive messages that were profound, beautiful and transformative.
His programs to activate people through galactic vibrations coming through his vocal chords and his work as a life coach and spiritual guide are sought after by people of all walks of life. At the present time, Aros is committed to sharing his knowledge to prepare people to achieve right understanding of who they are in the next paradigm shift.
Dr Martin Luther King Jr. quote
in his Nobel speech:
"I refuse to accept the idea that man is mere flotsam and jetsam in the river of life, unable to influence the unfolding events which surround him. I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality."
How easy and simple it is to be happy!
Galactic Soul
Being in the state of Soul awareness allows me to
take a deeper look at my life from the understanding
that everything, including the life span, is temporary─it
could last 50 years or a 1000 years─still only a fragment
in the overall divine picture.
This allows me to prioritize what is important! Am
I living every moment in a state of transcendental
gratitude to myself, my own soul and to God, the teacher
and the teachings?
Am I truly ready to live my life as a miracle and
wonderment and let go of all imaginary super-imposed
control guided by the ego?
If the answer is Yes, then
The answer is yes. That is surrender. That is the
vision of my soul. That is freedom.
With Love and Respect,
Aros Crystos
Aros Crystos
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Golden Light Meditation
Inhale consciously and viualize the breath going down from the nostrils to the dantien. Inhale consciously and viualize the breath going down from the nostrils to the dantien. Now as the breath goes down to the dantien, a feeling of bliss spreads all over your body. Visualize a line of light running from huiyin to yintang. Now the egg-shape is changing back into a column of light. | |
Qi - Vital energy of the body. Huiyin - the center at the perineum, also location of the muladhara chakra. Dantien - the center just below the navel, also location of the manipura chakra Yintang - the center between the eyebrows, also location of the ajna chakra. Actually the center is further back into the head. Yintang is the closest point on the surface to that center. Yongquan - the centers at the bottom of the feet, located on the centerline just behined the ball of the foot, also know as the bubbling well. Laogong - the centers in the palms of the hands, located on the transverse crease between the index and middle finger carpal bones. |
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Buckminster Fuller was a genius!
I was recently having a shared knowledge session with Feral a.k.a Fred McShredstein, a conscious cosmic being with whom I spent 4 hours of a ping-pong thought session jiving on various topics ranging from the B. Caapi "vine of the soul" to music as the only true religion to the role and powers of the goddess (every woman). I met and departed from him in that one evening, and we both benefitted greatly from the random interaction. He mentioned this bloke Buckminster Fuller, said the cat had some pretty far out ideas and I should check him out. So I found this website which, in itself, is quite knowledge-filled to navigate through, but I had a brainswelling helluva time reading about Fuller's thoughts and works...please take a moment to enlighten yourself. I posed the question of "Why has it taken me 26 years to find out about this super genius?" who had Einstein come to him to discuss insight that Fuller had reached about the theory of relativity (E = MCsqueered). Below I have excerpted some of writings and ideas...feel free to click this link to the website to delve even further into this mastermind's master mind - - - -> Who is Buckminster Fuller?
But evolution is apparently intent
that life in Universe
must survive.
It may be true
that our eyes are electromagnetic-wave transceiving relays.
Very little that men do consciously of all their functions renders their lives successful in the universe.
Ideas are easy to come by but reduction to practice is an arduous but inspirationally rewarding matter.
Bankers use people's credit when entrusted to them with no more moral equity than a storage warehouse proprietor has to use for himself the automobiles and furniture of people stored with him.
Teleology: the process of observing consciously, or absorbing subconsciously, from the outside inward so that one may do from the inside outward.
Ecology: the world-around complex intercomplementation of all the biological regenerative intercyclings with nature's geological and meteorological transformation recyclings.
Fuller coined the phrase "Spaceship Earth" for its metaphorical value in provoking thoughts about energy supply, maintenance requirements, and so on. He remarked that, unlike ordinary spaceships, Spaceship Earth is not supplied with an instruction manual, so that its operating principles have to be derived by generalization from experience.
The obstacles to such an energy-accounting system are principally the state and capitalism. If people are served directly and individually by daily cosmic-energy-wealth income, then the state will lose a major source of taxes with which to finance its bureaucracy.
****Money-makers cannot find a way of putting meters between people and the wind, Sun, waves, etc.*****
The metabolic flow that passes through a man is not the man. He is an abstract pattern integrity that is sustained through all his physical changes and processing, a knot through which pass the swift strands of concurrent ecological cycles - recycling transformations of solar energy.
All tools are externalizations of originally integral functions
Universe is the aggregate of all humanity's consciously apprehended and communicated, nonsimultaneous, and only partially overlapping experiences.
Universe is regarded as containing any amount of systems but as not constituting a system itself. The presence of systems in Universe is bound up with its dual nature. There are two components: the physical and the metaphysical.
All that is physical is energetic, and itself consists of two phases: energy associative as matter and energy dissociative as radiation. Each is convertible into the other according to the mass-energy equation E=mc2.
The metaphysical component is described as synergetic and as consisting also of two phases: subjective information acquisition by pure science exploration and objective information acquisition by applied science invention. It is in this realm of the metaphysical that reside all forms, patterns and principles which enable Universe to be subdivided into systems. In the absence of this non-physical component which serves to pattern the transformations of physical events, Universe would remain absolutely shapeless and chaotic.
Ten Proposals for Improving the World:
- Education Revolution: the highest priority of all
- Conversion of World Accounting Systems
- Elimination of Property by Making Ownership Onerous
- World Democracy by Electronic Referendum
- Elimination of All World Sovereignties
- Theoretical Exploration through World Game
- Realization of Design Science Competence
- Recognition of Humanity's Unique Functioning in Universe
- Identification of Mathematical Coordinate System of Universe
- Philosophical Realization that Physical is not Life
Rhymes like Dimes
Sunday, May 2, 2010
End of the Line
Cheshire words'o'wisdom
Cheshire Cat: Well that depends on where you want to get to.
Alice: Oh, it really doesn't matter, as long as...
Cheshire Cat: Then it really doesn't matter which way you go.