Friday, December 3, 2010
November 19th 2010
Fast and/or slow is the way to go
dug up poetry
Kierkegaard, letter to Jette, 1847
Aboriginal Australian wisdom
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
dynamic versatility through stealth storymaking
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The Web, Myself, and I (continued)
Put others First: This is a tricky one in today's day and age where being the absolute best is emphasized as an ideal way of life, threfore making failure a supreme stresser of the masses (which dominoes down too many avenues to discuss now). The general "we" are so focused on our own agenda that a sort of tunnel vision occurs and our sixth sense (intuition) becomes deactivated and dull. If we put ourselves first we merely feed the ego. When we put others first we starve the ego and allow the spirit to shine through, leaving much more of a lasting impression than merely trying to impress ourselves (egos). Like that good deed for the day everyone is always talking about, let us stay in that mindset constantly and flourish in ways our very distant ancestors experienced.
Desire little: this almost twists the modernized mind into a knot. What do you mean, "desire little?" What bout my entire house full of stuff and things? Tricky sounding but it just goes back to embracing simplicity, being reasonable. Desire itself is a tricky term as it is an emotion that rips us from the bliss of present moments and puts us into the past or future where we once had something but want it again, or something that we want to have but have to figure out how to acquire it. Stuff and things and the possessiveness of "mine" and "yours" have started to bug me more and more, and it shows. I lived out of a Chevy Van for a while and got a kick out of watching myself streamline my possesssions to fit nice and cozy while giving me plenty of space to sit and loiter amongst my own thoughts. Then eventually I got tired of having such a monstrocity of a vehicle so I thought, "fuckitall, I'm fitting it all onto my bicycle" and after long deliberation and heavy consolidation, I am now living with a kitchen, bedroom, sufboard/wetsuit combo, and office on my bicycle and bob trailer. Although I rely on manmade structures quite often for shelter (picnic areas, dugouts, schools, etc.) I can keep myself warm and dry if need be. The only other necessity then becomes food, which costs money most of the time. Money needs only to be acquired and not desired is one mantra I have been training myself to live by. Basiclly, I just tell myself I'm rich. It is that easy, I am rich because I have everything I want right now, all the time.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
The Web, Myself, and I
The Web Myself I
...implied as all being the same one thing. The internet is you, the internet is me, the internet is I. The internet was invented by humans and is continually evolved by humans who are, themselves, continually evolving. We live in a three dimensional multi sensory world. The computer screen is a two dimensional sight and sound square (at which we stare, and stare, and stare). We sacrifice one dimension and three whoooooole senses (taste, smell, and very importantly, touch) through the use of the internet.
That is a big deal.
Not only do we spend time on it during precious present moments, but we also spend time thinking about it , involuntarily at times merely because it is now a known part of our consciousness. Voluntarily using the Web as a "go to" for a solution to many of life's problems of varying degrees...just Google it. What would "just Google it" have meant a century ago?
Are we devolving thousands of years of genetics into a virtual world where you can only see and hear?
Back to "The Web, Myself and I." is further proof that the entire human race is simply one solitary consciousness.
This involves a bit of philosophometaphysical digging but think about it in terms of the entire current contents of the internet as being an apex in human evolution. By human, I mean the one "I". "I" spent thousands of years evolving its ideas into little clusters of cause-and-effect webs and then figured out a way to start connecting the webs many at a time and created a faster growth pattern that can never be stopped. After all, every idea is a by-product of the mind. Without the mind, what is there?
No mind = nothing.
One mind = everything. Whatever conceived this One Mind was obviously smart enough to not need the help of a second mind. Anyway, I reckon that today's web age is an apex in the one mind saga manifested through the evolution of life here on planet Earth (and the rest of the universe? Doubt it. Gotta leave room for higher powers, smarter powers that took a route more complex than the "world wide web.") Apex meaning highest point, meaning a change 'gon come. That is why now more than ever we must realize our potential as part of this great big "I" and start thinking differently...
In my own personal evolution I seem to be rewinding the tape of time, sort of debugging the ego of the bugs that were placed there by the effects of other egos during my developmental years, in order to revert back to my natural state when my spirit met my body through my first breath of fresh air out of the womb. Like chipping away at plaque on a tooth, ever so slowly, then taking a step back every so often and viwing the stages of the process and the varying styles of self that have brought me to this blessed present moment.
In Victoria recently, at a good friend of a good friend's house, I was flipping through the Tao Te Ching by wise old Lao Tzu.
It really stirred my mind like a golden bananaberry hempmilkshake. I realized how much more it resonated in my soul now than if I were to be reading it ten years ago (then, I woulda just thought, "cool. I wanna get high.")...I took these three lines with me and think of them often:
Embrace Simplicity,
Put Others First,
Desire Little...
ESPOFDL...If I was a wiso old Zen monk I would add, "smile often" @ the end of it!...
(to be continued)
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Recent Observations from the Bicycle Road
-Crows enjoy walking and hopping, perhaps to mock the silly humans that cannot fly, especially the slow moving large apelike ones
-Cows love chewing grass; It is all they do!
-Horses are not at all impressed by my horse impersonation (imhorsenation?)
-Nobody cares that it is raining on me...not even me!
-Roadkill comes in all shapes, sizes, and splatters; Animals turned inside out always provoke a vocal reaction from me...some just look like they are resting peacefully, with a little bloody trail coming out of their nose...others are flattened so much they have become 2-dimensional. I often imagine the moment they met their fate with a high speed hunk of heavy machinery. Immediately after the moment of impact, in that split split second between life and death when the entire world stops turning and is silent and the hit victim is airborn, its soul separating from its physical body...One day I would like to witness this phenomenon first hand. In fact I almost sort of did when I ran over an oppossum on my bicycle in San Diego...I went flying over the handlebars and it got wedged inbetween my front wheel and frame. That is a memory I will never forget!
-No better way than to welcome a new day than by smiling at it when you first see it.
-Raw honey, bee pollen, and water is the true breakfast of champions
-Log truck drivers are highly skilled navigators of the road and do not give eight and a half flying farks about my life.
-Civilised man is predictable in his material society
-Small talk is torture most of the time; can't we just get to the meat and potatoes of our souls?
-Bungee cords, rags, and work gloves are abundant on the side of the road.
-Going downhill no handed on a loaded touring bike will never get old.
-The sun, bright and warm, is one of the most divine free gifts I could ever ask for.
-Listening to a fat old man's bowel movement helps me stay on the path to NOT becoming a fat old man.
-People who are addicted to cigarettes bug me; People who are addicted to materialism bug me even more; and yet, I love them all the same.
-My heart yearns to be as small a part of this capitalist system as possible.
-A healthy synthesis of sound mind and strong body produces raw, natural power that is an incredible force to be reckoned with and an easy equation for happiness.
-I cannot get wet if there was never a concept of dry in the first place.
-If you continually give in to fear, it'll eventually git'ya.
-Patient objectivity leads to bliss and golden wisdom.
-Boredom = death
-What is really going on when I feel lonely?
-If I stay poor long enough, will I eventually become rich? If I ever become rich, will the ego inevitably suffer if I become poor again?
-If the chance of finding a full beer on the side of the road is a million to one, then, surely, I am close to finding the full one very soon.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Back in the USA!
Thursday, September 9, 2010
The Shamanic Way of the Bee
"Truth, however, is no easy matter. It is complex, strange, and fluid. Open to question, a living thing. And yet, it is the place where we have to begin. And in the end it is all that remains...I have come to understand truth, specifically spiritual truth, can only be defined as that which one knows, without words, to be true. It is silent and requires no defense."
"Rarely do people ask death for advice regarding life, but whom better to ask?"
"I was knowingly human once again, back in the miraculous ilusion of stability we have learned to call reality."
"Because the bee is influenced most of all by cosmic forces, by communing with the bee, the entire cosmos can find its way into human beings, assisting them into stepping into who they truly are. Before they were told who they were meant to be by parents, schooling, and culture."
Yup, it's that good'ol golden
time of bliss again.
One month of Canadian adventure mashing.
Sitting now on a bench by the water as the sun sets over Victoria. The last of my stuff is drying out in Eliot's warm, dry apartment after the rainiest day I have experienced since that brain drencher on the Lost Coast in May of 2009.
I bike lurked aimlessly around downtown Victoria for the last few hours, coming up on a pile of clothes outside St. Vincent's from which I pilfered a vintage cream colored snap button vest and a longsleeve cotton shirt with Aztec-y designs on it "hecho en Guatemala." I might just use these articles temporarily but they will be a fresh addition to my very limited wardrobe. (Eliot also kicked me down an old Bahamas "King of Beaches" t-shirt that is dope.)
I gave my cannabis leaf belt away after a long haul of uselessness. It is now being worn by a beautiful street dwelling goddess who was genuinely stoked on it. (I could tell from her eyes...the eyes tell no lies!)
*Long pause to reflect and inhale the psychadelic sky scene unraveling -- wishing I was the color of sunset*
I also gave some loose change to another bike+trailer wanderer who had a cat on a leash name kittty who he gave undying affection to. I gave her some love as well, after all she is a close ancestor to my kin. nHe offered me a cigarette but I declined.
I had a short freestyle session with Mellow T who I saw from far away making rap-like gestures. He very seriously offered to sell me some crack. I declined. He had beats playing on his phone so we spit a bit, him taking a battle stance and calling me MC Granola (real original). It is all good in the Canadian rap game.
Everyone is frantically taking photos of the sunset like it is the last one they will ever see. Or maybe they have never seen one before; God forbid!
I thought of a good diet for people who want to lose alot of weight:
1. Discard entire wardrobe.
2. Buy all new clothes that are definitely too small, nothing too stretchy.
3. Either walk around naked or eat healthy and excercise until you lose enough weight to not look like you are not making a very awkward and uncomfortable fashion statement.
Now the lights are dimming but the backlit row of clouds on the horizon reminds me of the froth that forms on the tapioca pudding when my mom used to make it. I used to love that part when I was a child. It is mostly raw egg I think.
My new vest is quite handy, it keeps my core warm well which helps to keep my arms warm. My fingers are cold but such is usually the case.
I think I will pedal around a bit more, digging the metropolis has been 6 weeks since I have seen anything close to a city. It really awakens the New Yorker in me.
Rudy, my bike, thoroughly enjoys when he does not have my entire material life/survival gear weighing him should see him accelerate! Like a Jehovah's Witness bat out of hell.
Speaking of which, yesterday, while I was loitering outside the Thrifty foods in Mill Bay eating peanut butter and carrots, a random cat with very dry skin told me he was letting a Jehovah's Witness stay at his place and she preached so much Jesus Christ to him that he got fed up and told her, "Jesus was not a real person! All he is is the space between the summer solstice and the winter solstice." This statement left me boggled but I am sure the J-Wit was even more dumbfounded. I smiled as I imagined her reaction. He did not elaborate any further on the matter and walked away without saying goodbye.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
One month on my bicycle!
The views, the characters, the ditch trash treasures, the differeent styles of civilisation, the wilderness, the campsites, the rivers and lakes, the birds butterflies and dragonflies, the smiles, the waves, the honks, the weirdfaces, the peace signs, the small talk, the staring children, my flag in the wind, pedals churning an outline of infinity, the patterns of divinity pop out in 3-d everywhere.
Headwinds, rainshowers, hailstorms, cold morning hands, mosquitoes pestering, handlebar wristaches, another uphill, endless legs.
Copnceiving the idea that I might be able to pedal forever without stopping because it is so easy to just sit there and move my legs up and down round and round. It only gets easier everytime I bomb an insane downhill on the silken stealth chariot that makes but a whisper as it appeases gravity's some starnge form of silent (windtunnel!) time travel every time I go abnormally fast on my bicycle for a few glorious moments at a time...
Lately the road has been mountainous and the terrain keeps zonking us with everchanging beauty and seeing these enormous green giants and brown cragmonsters gliding by slowly in the quiet distance as the asphalt races under my wheels at a cool 35mph, little cracks and bumps vibrating through me (the vessel), riding with the jolts like a cosmic snail in fast motion, just going with the flow.
Any day is a good day to pedal. (metaphor for living)
Natural Inspiration
The clouds move freely at their own pace, egoless, with no destination in mind.
Each cloud atom is perfectly content flowing dancing swirling with his cloud atom brethren and sistren, vibing beautifully in a simple swirl of bliss.
Below, the trees celebrate the breeze, the faster the wind blows the more jivin' their dance goes.
Below the celebratory clouds and jiggin' trees sit the content rocks, boulders, and mountains, waiting in patient happiness like fat, smiling Buddhas.
"No need for us to move at all," they say, "we are perfectly satisfied by the beautiful dance and flow of our as-merry friends."
The entire land alive with sun rays absorbed and beamed back into the universal bliss cycle.
Ah, O my vast Eternity, accept all my love. I know you will keep replenishing me at the same rate I expend.
Impossible to feel emptiness when the complete Void that is (all is all and empty) is filled to the brim and always almost spilling over into the next eternity.
Positively delightful, light-full.
We know that the stars still shine in the daytime.
Even the merry creatures at the dark, dank, bottom of the deepest oceans are provided with endless light.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Crossing the continental divide
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Bike trip truth unfolds
My blood has been having fun flowing through my veins real fast this past week at the handlebar helm command center:
Mosquito bites, bwahhhhh
Knee ligaments that feel like they are tearing off the bone, bwahaaaaaahhhh
Afterblast drafts from logging trucks that wobble my whole existence, bleh
Spider bites on my butt, weird
Crazy sounding animal that sounds like it is trying way too hard to whistle unsuccessfully/ announcing in its own weird animal way that it is about to pass a stone but it is too dark out to identify that animal, hmmmm
Roadkill with guts spilling out into the pavement, everywhere!
Morning sun warming chilly bones,
Midday sun fryin' bakin' tannin' and overall overheatin',
Setting sun painting using unexplainable techinique.
The moon allows us to venture a bit deeper into the possibilities.
Eating most ingeniously concocted gruels, stews, mashes, and beetle munch.
Like feeding coal into the stomach of a steam engine.
Farting maximum velocity.
Lazy wakeups, bakeups, grassy shade breaks, getting rained on and staying dry, fetal position comfort under an endless starlit sky.
Convincing myself that with proper upright posture I will eventually become an inch taller.
Zooming downhill like a bullet crouching tiger style singing "the rudeboy train is coming through, the rude boy train is coming through, shoobie doobie dooo, shoobie doobie deeeee"
Random stares smiles glances waves nods...sometimes we make absurdly crazy faces at drivers for our own entertainment (bug eyes, widemouths, Popeyes, astonishocked looks of ghoulish horror, you know, just for kicks).
Crystal clear rivers and lakes providing the playful element of water; refreshment, rejuvenation, a lesson in patience and a new perspective on the passing of time.
Stories from the past, fantasies of the future.
Reflections on the now.
The Now, a cool zone, good "for my health and well-being" (current useful mantra).
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Espinoza's Monism
Everything is brought
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
It has been a while...
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Article on poverty seen in india and Kenya/ I need answers!
i think it is time for a bicycle mission...

Wednesday, June 9, 2010
wherever you go, there you are
I find myself once again in the semi-urban sprawl of western Long Island, at my parents house, in the neighborhood I grew up in. I feel like Kerouac when he would come home to his mother's house for long stretches of writing, relaxation, and city romping...I'm here for the same but I also have a bicycle and a surfboard to occupy my time. I am the token unemployed 26 year old living in the basement at Mom and Dad's (although I have and always will call my dad by his name, Yanni). The magical mystery tour I was getting paid to be on recently lived up to its name and had its magical mystery plug magically pulled; just like that I am back to no strings attached status and decided to use my free flight to get catapulted across the country, back to the east coast, a slightly different, more congested place than the Great Wild West.
Life has been a funny cosmic whirlwind lately. The mystery tour was putting money in my bank account without me barely doing anything to earn that money. Funny how things like that happen in supposed "tough economic times." If I condensed the work that I actually did (riding a lunar rover tricycle around getting people to do handstands and cartwheels is hardly work, by the way) it would probably be a week's worth. The pay I am receiving is about two month's worth. This is a prime example of the strange power of manifesting your own destiny...I didn't want some crummy job but I did want some cash in my pocket, I wanted to travel, I wanted to ride a bicycle; by this power of genuine wanting I was able to concoct this strange cosmic synthesis of my wants. Being completely open to the powers of the universe is a huge help as well. Having no worries, no stress, smiling and living with pure compassion for myself and everyone and everything and even every non-thing; LOVE for all.
My rewards during the last few months included: spending a week eating insanely tasty Google food, gaining knowledge about all sorts of interesting happenings via credible sources on the internet, sharing knowledge with Luke my "business partner" (always wanted to use those words!) as well as a myriad of cool cats wherever we would travel, being taught that the mind is a fertile field that stretches right into eternity gobbling up the seeds of personal growth and turning them into these amazing sacred-geometric swirling vines of light and truth that intertwine into the Void (a la Kerouac), I got a few extra days of snowboarding in, ending the season with some beautiful people at Squaw Valley in early May, progressing my bag of tricks with a signature cheshire smile style, I danced like I have never danced before, now knowing that my natural vibration is at its most powerful and light emitting frequency and is necessarily moved by music, I saw Canned Heat, Iration, Groundation, Ziggy Marley, Damian Marley and Nas and bounced their energy right back into the souls of their instruments through my wild gyrations (my dance style indeed), I picked up my first musical instrument, a djembe, to learn and become the musician that I have always had laying dormant somewhere deep inside, I acquired a new shiny bicycle which quickly became an extension of me, zippin and zoomin and downright cruisin through a neighborhood near you, I had a beautiful random soul hold car traffic behind me as I zoomed the Topanga Canyon downhill into the sunset, later to realize that the car holding traffic had a HUGE peace sign painted on the hood, a true peace offering indeed...I people watched at Venice Beach for hours, sometimes skating, other times hula hooping, swimming en el mar, or just slow lurking the merchant strip; I bought a rasta bracelet for three bucks from a rasta named Shaggy because he took time to explain to me what the colors meant (finally!: red = the blood that runs through us, gold = the sun that provides the energy for our planet, green = the earth and the beautiful herb that grows on it, black = the strength that unites us all) and that is what I actually paid for, and would you know that by buying that the universe actually gave me a different rasta bracelet two days later so I was able to give the original to my business partner; things are better when they are given to you anyway...reminds me of the huge stuffed dolphin I found on the side of the road two days after meeting a galactic dolphin emissary who taught me about the divine power of the was with this stuffed dolphin that I had my photo taken for the summer beach fashion section of the LA Times. I was able to spend some time in San Diego, catching super fun waves, garage sale-ing and giving to empty my van even further (on my way to complete material freedom), being graced with the light filled presence of beautiful Katie the Sunflower (who will be at my 140th mad hatter themed birthday party and she herself will be a ripe young 137) eating even better than I ate at Google...I rode my bike halfway across LA with a Gutemalan friend Eliseo who was pedalling a fixed gear with no brakes talking Spanglish about life while zooming through crazy LA traffic, getting a glimpse of his daily life and being both amazed and flabberghasted; Eliseo you are an animal!
So here I am now in NYC and I plan on keeping the red carpet just rollin'...without sunscreen, without meat or dairy products, with my new Thai fisherman shorts and Patagonia steez helmet, with my new and ever renewing knowledge; I am a one man infomation IN and OUT box of pure light. People call me crazy, and weird, and out of my mind, and I smile and nod, "yes! thank you for noticing!" (if I am always thinking, than I must make others always think as well, like a never ending thought party)...I just received an email from my friend Maggie who just returned froma month long trip to Costa Rica and Nicaragua with her beautiful family whom I love and adore. In the email she wrote these words: wherever you go, there you are...meaning the happiness we seek externally is found right within us. So it does not matter where the hell you are or even what you are doing (think of happy Buddha meditating in the woods with nothing, yet happier than thos who seem [illusion] to have everything) because the immense elation of life is in our heart, emitting a frequency of love...this I will never forget as the red carpet unfolds happy blasts of truth all around I say, let the bloody mystery tour continue, until that birthday party on November 17th, 2123, when I blow out all 140 candles. Iknow there will be some interesting things on tap until then, and for that I am one happy dude.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
what to do now?
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Codex Alimentarius
Friday, May 28, 2010
pay attention here:
Thursday, May 27, 2010
divine info sent to me. . .
- Enjoy the bliss of your loving heart.
- Release your resistance and heal your self.
- Know you are part of everything and have everything.
- Recognize your connections with the invisible realms.
- Meditate, release and surrender to right understanding and a quiet mind.
- Honor your sacred self.
Today's breakfast gruel
Monday, May 17, 2010
here i am
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Equation for happiness
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Education Shmeducation
"Deeply embedded in the conventional wisdom is the idea that educating is mostly about making a living rather than making a life."
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Children of the New Millennium
Excerpt from the beginning of Children of the New Millennium (click for free download of ebook)
The truth is born
into the world
always seeking expression -
when we are taught:
not to communicate;
not to express;
not to speak;
and not to be heard so early in life.
We then learn at a very, very
early age,
to express
to speak
to be heard and
to communicate at a higher, deeper level;
we learn to communicate through the unspoken word and
At this level spirits seek union.
At this level One learns to listen;
at this level one learns to listen, feel,
speak, and be at one with nature and its beings.
... Susan Firth, Free Union, VA;
NDE at 2 in an accident, and
NDE at 6 from drowning.
This is what is on it and understand that you follow this spiritual inquisitive path for a reason, questioning the rigid, angular structure of society, feeling that your free-flowing spontaneous thinking and powerful third eye movements cannot and WILL NOT conform to such a linear and predetermined path.
This existence in a physical body is pure perception and we as INDIGO and CRYSTAL children have been chosen to control our perception for the benefit of humankind and the whole universe. BELIEVE IN LOVE, BE LOVE, BE UNIVERSAL DIVINE ONE-NESS....We are on our way my brothers and sisters, beautiful things are happening, picking up pace like a cosmic snowball rolling down the steep mountainside of celestial existence...
"The terms "Indigo" and "Crystal" were given to these two generations because they most accurately describe their aura colours and energy patterns. Indigo children have a lot of indigo blue in their auras. This is the colour of the 'third eye chakra', which is the energy center inside the head located between the two eyebrows. This chakra regulates clairvoyance, or the ability to see energy, visions, and spirits. Many of the Indigo children are clairvoyant. The Crystal Children have opalescent auras, with beautiful multi-colours in pastel hues. This generation also shows a fascination for crystals and rocks......"
"Indigos have a warrior spirit, because their collective purpose is to mash down old systems that no longer serve us. They are here to squash government, educational, and legal systems that lack integrity. To accomplish this end, they need tempers and fiery determination."
Monday, May 10, 2010
Adventures in Consciousness
ADVENTURES IN CONSCOUSNESS is 8 multi-dimensional galactic messages channeled and read by Aros Crystos and accompanied by meditative improvised melodies on didgeridoo, keyboards, percussion instruments, and beautiful chanting. All of these messages were recorded in one session with no production or editing and are astounding for the perfection of the original unedited tracks. This CD will serve you as a vehicle to live in the present with greater peace and clarity and an expanded consciousness. It provides guidelines from the galaxy on how to easily embrace the frequencies of unconditional love that will quiet your mind. You will experience deep relaxation through the connection with the divine self that transforms and elevates your consciousness.
The messages were received during the appearance of Hale Bopp over Maui in March of 1997. The comet Hale Bopp is, of course, not a comet. It's an interstellar information library. It is also an energy vehicle that is in direct contact with the highest order of light beings of the most supreme rank in the army of divine of light workers. Recorded live in Honolulu in 2000, the musicians improvised eight beautiful, meditative, metaphysical melodies to match the galactic and dolphin frequencies transmitted through Aros during his reading of eight messages. These remarkable messages help us all understand what is taking place within us and all around us right now.
Aros Crystos, aka Eros Christos, has been on the spiritual path most of his life. His vision is to help people rediscover their true nature as divine multi-dimensional beings. A prolific writer, designer and energetic healer, he uses his beautiful voice to generate healing sounds and activations to higher consciousness for the many people who've sought out his entirely unique and powerful vibrational energetic gift. His fascinating interviews and articles can be found on television, radio and in print.
His first novel, Time Is Promised To No One, published in 2005, shares beautiful esoteric teachings through the life of Charles Andrews. His CD, "Adventures in Consciousness" is a transformational message from the cosmos and powerful medicine for the awakened consciousness entering the next paragidm.
His first spiritual teacher was Elisabeth Haich in Zurich, well known for her classic book "Initiation." Through her mentoring he was led to understand his true mission. Aros was guided to leave Europe behind and come to the United States. He renounced his old life, trading high society in Europe for the longing to live in the experience of the truth all the time. This led him to his meditation teacher and mentor, Baba Muktananda, and Baba's successor Gurumayi.
For the next twenty years, Aros immersed himself in the study of sacred scriptures. He learned the most valuable lesson: that all religions and paths ultimately lead to the recognition that all is one divine consciousness and that the kingdom of heaven can truly be found within every one of us. All of this prepared him for his connection with the dolphins. He began to receive communications from the realm of the dolphins, leading him to spend years interacting with dolphins and whales in the open ocean in Hawai'i. At the same time, his galactic family began communicating with him again as when he was a child. Through these interactions, his multi-dimensional soul began to receive messages that were profound, beautiful and transformative.
His programs to activate people through galactic vibrations coming through his vocal chords and his work as a life coach and spiritual guide are sought after by people of all walks of life. At the present time, Aros is committed to sharing his knowledge to prepare people to achieve right understanding of who they are in the next paradigm shift.
Dr Martin Luther King Jr. quote
in his Nobel speech:
"I refuse to accept the idea that man is mere flotsam and jetsam in the river of life, unable to influence the unfolding events which surround him. I refuse to accept the view that mankind is so tragically bound to the starless midnight of racism and war that the bright daybreak of peace and brotherhood can never become a reality."
How easy and simple it is to be happy!
Galactic Soul
Being in the state of Soul awareness allows me to
take a deeper look at my life from the understanding
that everything, including the life span, is temporary─it
could last 50 years or a 1000 years─still only a fragment
in the overall divine picture.
This allows me to prioritize what is important! Am
I living every moment in a state of transcendental
gratitude to myself, my own soul and to God, the teacher
and the teachings?
Am I truly ready to live my life as a miracle and
wonderment and let go of all imaginary super-imposed
control guided by the ego?
If the answer is Yes, then
The answer is yes. That is surrender. That is the
vision of my soul. That is freedom.
With Love and Respect,
Aros Crystos