ever further stealth

ever further stealth

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Friday, December 3, 2010

November 19th 2010

Now laying in the stealth moving black minivan on the zoom for Seattle from the Bay, currently in Portland. Batteries recharging for more of the get down. The get down of the current moment being my 3d consecutive night o dancing since I entered my 27th year of life.
The sky is loud speckled and bright in the night as the moon is almost full.
Last night's mashup was the Panty Raid in Sebastopol, CA. The outcome, besides sweaty gyrating bodies and a late night burn to Oakland to tend to the dwelling and gear up for immediate departure, was the realization that I am a reflection of everything good in the universe. This enables others to see the good in them when they look at me (and vice versa). The physical manifestation of my theory lies in our smiles.
Fortunate for me to realize the power of my smile. For this I am supremely grateful to the immense panoramic span of time which allowed me (the physical body) to end up with this smile. I (the ego-author) was hesitant for the longest time about flashing a full toothy grin.
"What's he so happy about?" was the blind judgment I was looking to avoid, or whoknoswhy? My good friend the Universe has been sending me signs that it is time to smile now more than ever. The past is just proof that I (the pure spirit) have a wholatta smilin' to do!
A goddess with butterfly eyelashes in the Panty Raid said it just last night, "You have such a great smile." Great. Grand. Expansive. Spirit touching power, folks. Now go flash those pearly whites, they reflect light!

recent shared knowledge


Fast and/or slow is the way to go

I thoroughly enjoy the various speed settings on my bicycle and the access they give me to suiting my mood at a moments notice. I can casually and aimlessly zig zag my way across town or I can floor it and take the right angle route making only one turn and illing the rest of the time with pure animal spirit pedal mashing. I can easily make my ride a hybrid of the to mentalities. I can say "fuckitall" and hitchbike and enjoy the mega timetravelacceleation that an automobile provide. I can do anything I want to do, yeah, what it is.

dug up poetry

teeth are brushed
hair is twirled
the grass is wet
my feet are dry
in socks and sandals!

sun goes down again,
making way for stars and moon.
see you tomorrow.

when you don't work
you can casually lurk
around with a smirk.

Kierkegaard, letter to Jette, 1847

"above all, do not lose your desire to walk: everyday I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness; I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome, that one cannot walk away from it...but by sitting still, and the more one sits still, the closer one comes to feeling ill...thus, if one just keeps on walking, everything will be alright."


Aboriginal Australian wisdom

Aboriginals had the idea that all 'goods' were potentially malign and would work against their possessors unless they were forever in motion.

I am grateful to be forever in motion.